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Do not persecute (to me), Black Sea!

Do not persecute (to me), Black Sea!
Do not wound my heart
Is it easy to get..?
.. my cordial breath?
Do not persecute (to me), Black Sea!
Give my love back to me,
Give my breath back to me.

The Day Will Come

I looked at the road that my love traveled
For a long time my eyes were filled again
Your face came to my mind
Take the tears from my eyes, the day will come when you will dry them
Write this down so you remember, if you go you forget
The harbor’s ships pulled up their anchors and will go
Who saw my tears, who will know
Take the tears from my eyes, the day will come when you will dry them
Write this down so you remember, if you go you forget

I wish I was a rock and mist

I wish I was a rock, on top of Kaçkar (Mountain)
I wish I was a mist, in the hovel of the mountains
The painful voice of Tulum that coming from far away
The clouds, to the county of clouds
I wish I was a sea foam, in the Fırtına Stream
I would leak, I would reach to the Black Sea
All hail to one of my heart
The clouds, to the county of clouds

Ivan Toporijkin (Ivan Hatchettenny)

Ivan Hatchettenny went hunting with his dog.
this poodle joined him after a jump over the fence.
Ivan , as a log, falled in the swamp,
And the poodle drowned in the river as an axe.
Ivan Hatchettenny went hunting with his dog.
this poodle went skipping with him as an axe.
Ivan as a log tumbled down on the swamp,
And the poodle in the river jumped over the fence.
Ivan Hatchettenny went hunting with his dog.
this poodle in the river falled in the fence.
Ivan, as a log, jumped over the swamp,
And the poodle while skipping got on the axe.

Children of Paradise

They were smiles, they were sobs
They were those laughs that make the songs of birds
They were mornings when we go to the seashore
They were the heart of sadness, they were the heart of light
They were poems, they were birds
They were the «I love you»'s that we say on the bank of the creek
They were from the café, they were from the pub
they were foreigners, they were without flags
They were from Paris, they were from the provinces
They were the hearts of rain who make hearts that squeal
They were full of life, they had the eye of Spring
They were the hearts that laugh when heaven is crying
They were promises, they were becoming
They were much too young, yes, to have to depart
They were the sons of the East or sons of the West
Children of paradise, children of the Bataclan
They were French hearts, or international hearts
They were the dew that cries from under the shawl
They were promises, they were buds
Who make sadness grow, they were songs
They were families, they were friends,
They were what shines in the night sky
They were lovers, those who were huddled together
One against the other, against tyranny
They were like me, they were like you
They were not warriors, but they died in combat
They were hearts of love, they were hearts that fight
And who will always fight even beneath the cross
They were these friends who I did not know
They were my country and yours too I believe
They will stay Paris, Paris will always remember
These friends, the light will shine
They were called 'I love you', they were called youth
They were called poem, they were called tenderness
They were called sister, they were called brother
They were called little girl, they were called little boy
They were called joy and nonviolence
They were called, I believe, the children of France
Of all horizons and of all names
They were called love and horizon
They called Jacques Brel and I think Barbara
They were called heaven, they were called 'why'
Forever sleeps here the horror of the hollows
He who joins the eternal, goes innocent, I believe
They were lifted fists, tjey were our concerts
They were tightened hearts, yes, in the face of the torturers
They were the hearts of carnations, flowers in the face of shootings
In our grieving hearts, we cry for our friends
To the innocent who is killed, yes, fallen under the bullets
To the unknown soldier under the horror of gunfire
If these are the dead letters, the hymns of sorrow
Because knocking at the door are the plains of Verdun
If fallen tonight, on this black Friday,
The brothers of my country, leaving us desperate
My country, your culture is dead, assassinated
But you know my culture will never die
You my country of Molière, you my country of Vinci
You my country of Voltaire, you my country of Valmy
You my country the Earth, you my country Paris
You my country on the ground, stand up my country
You my country of light, you my country of life
My literary country, my country of sad life
You my country, my brothers, you brother of my country
As we cherish our mothers, we cherish our fatherland.

What a Mess!

Tiny tots are planting flowers,
Sweeping sidewalk paths for hours,
Cleaning leaves and grass for naught,
Preening feathers, are they not?!
Ha-ha-ha and he-he-he...
We will scatter wooden pieces,
Strew the paper strips and faeces:
Garbage, dirt and piles of rubble -
What could be more cool than trouble?
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

You tell all Black Sea

The mist of your mounstains does not allow a free passage
Waves surge but don't give anything back
My breath is forbidden, the fire inside me won't subside
You tell all Black Sea, my breath is not enough (to tell)
You tell all Black Sea
You tell all Black Sea

Ludo zaljubljen

Priznajem ti da te već neko vreme idealizujem
Celi život ja te tražim
Ne znam šta da radim, izgledaš mnogo dobro
Prići ću ti
Priznajem ti da se ne snalazim najbolje u priči
Malo sam stidljiv, što ćeš videti
Ali ovog puta, usudiću se
Reći ću ti
Učinila si da se ludo zaljubim u tebe
Dušo, istina je da mi se sviđaš previše
Dođi, jer ostalo ću ti reći plesom
Priđi bliže
I, evo, sada mi ne silaziš s pameti
Lutam ovde često misleći na tebe
Biće da ono što osećam prema tebi osećaš i ti
Priđi bliže
Znaš da sam ja taj koji te pali
Ja znam da ćeš se sa mnom najbolje provesti
Znaš da sam ja taj zbog koga ćeš izgubiti kontrolu
Želim da plešem s tobom do poslednje pesme
Ako ti si za mene
Onda sam i ja za tebe
Da provedem još jednu noć s tobom
Učiniću šta god (šta god)
Ako ti si za mene
Onda sam i ja za tebe
Ako se prepustiš
Daću ti sve što poželiš
Ne znam, dušo, šta to imaš
Ali kada mi igraš
Činiš me jako nervoznim
Kada se pokrećeš tako
Na provokativan način
To me motiviše
Da igramo uz stari regeton
Jer to te pokreće
Od onih uz koje se igra polako
Skroz telo uz telo
(Reci, Farru)
Učinila si da se ludo zaljubim u tebe
Dušo, istina je da mi se sviđaš previše
Dođi, jer ostalo ću ti reći plesom
Priđi bliže
I, evo, sada mi ne silaziš s pameti
Lutam ovde često misleći na tebe
Biće da ono što osećam prema tebi osećaš i ti
Priđi bliže
Znaš da sam ja taj koji te pali
Ja znam da ćeš se sa mnom najbolje provesti
Znaš da sam ja taj zbog koga ćeš izgubiti kontrolu
Želim da plešem s tobom do poslednje pesme
Ako ti si za mene
Onda sam i ja za tebe
Da provedem još jednu noć s tobom
Učiniću šta god (šta god)
Ako ti si za mene
Onda sam i ja za tebe
Da provedem još jednu noć s tobom
Ja učiniću šta god, učiniću šta god
Ti znaš da mi se sviđaš
Znaš da me oduševljavaš
Igraj polako
To me ubija
Hajde, malena
Meni se ne žuri
Napravićemo od ove noći
Beskonačnu noć
Ne reci mi da ideš
Potražićemo jedno mesto
Na kom nema nikoga
Gde je samo tama
I ljubi me polako
Zaustavićemo vreme
Učinila si da se ludo zaljubim u tebe
Dušo, istina je da mi se sviđaš previše
Dođi, jer ostalo ću ti reći plesom
Priđi bliže
I, evo, sada mi ne silaziš s pameti
Lutam ovde često misleći na tebe
Biće da ono što osećam prema tebi osećaš i ti
Priđi bliže
Znaš da sam ja taj koji te pali
Ja znam da ćeš se sa mnom najbolje provesti
Znaš da sam ja taj zbog koga ćeš izgubiti kontrolu
Želim da plešem s tobom do poslednje pesme
Učinila si da se ludo zaljubim u tebe
Da se zaljubim

To You, My City

From old walls to Sava river
From the bridges of the new coast
Blue flags fluttet
Zagreb calls to its embrace
The most beautiful is Zagreb city
Zagreb is my dearest home
My city, forever you will stay so young
In my heart
City, my city
May the sun of happiness shine for you
My beloved city
May everyone knows your joys
Under the dome of the skies' blue
From the walls of the old town
Doves, white pidgeons
Bring us greetings now

Youth of Samarina

Oh you, young guerillas,
Youth of Samarina
Well, poor kids,
Youth of Samarina
Even though you got dirty.
Well, if you ever go up on the mountains
That are on the way to Samarina
Well, poor kids,
On the way to Samarina,
Even if you get dirty.
Well, do not shoot with your guns
Do not sing songs
Well, poor kids
Do not sing songs
Even if you get dirty.
And if my mother asks you,
As well as my poor sister
Well, poor kids
As well as my poor sister
Even though you got dirty.
Do not tell them I've died
That I'm dead for a while now
Well, poor kids
That I'm dead for a while now
Even though you got dirty.
Well, tell them that I got married
That I married to the deep soil
Well, poor kids
I got married to the deep soil
Even though you got dirty.

My Radio And My Man

Yesterday I bought a nice radio, in the installment
I took it to the hill and put it in my own shack
And every afternoon, when I come home to have dinner
I quickly put my radio on
And the whole neighborhood comes, slowly
And the crowd gets packed back at the gate
But I never see who I wanted to see
As he doesn't like music and has no heart
Yesterday I bought a nice radio, in the installment
I took it to the hill and put it in my own shack
And every afternoon, when I come home to have dinner
I quickly put my radio on
And the whole neighborhood comes, slowly
And the crowd gets packed back at the gate
But I never see who I wanted to see
As he doesn't like music and has no heart
I end up losing my patience
I'm tired, tired of waiting
I'll sell my radio to anyone
By any price, just so I won't get unhappy
I've never seen such evil, I've never been so mocked
The poet, who didn't believe in love, said
That we almost always like someone who doesn't like us
I end up losing my patience
I'm tired, tired of waiting
I'll sell my radio to anyone
By any price, just so I won't get unhappy
I've never seen such evil, I've never been so mocked
The poet, who didn't believe in love, said
That we almost always like someone who doesn't like us
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Night Tears

There's no way I can be able to sleep tonight
It seems I'm about to remember the 3 years I spent with you
Tonight's dinner has no taste
Although I understand it, why? Why had to be like this?
I definitely want to cry on a night like this
It's such a painful night
Simple nights are like this, don't you agree?
Surely I longed for a night like this
A lonely night is like this
An empty night is like this, that's fine
Guitar solo ♪
Sax solo ♪
Drums solo ★
Tambourine solo ○
Surely a fun night is like this
A happy night is like this
A wonderful night is surely like this, don't you agree?
You're free to reprint it, but please, give me the kawaii credits.


What I love most in you is your hair,
Your eyes, so joyful, make boys’ head turn.
But, speaking frankly and clearly, I’m one of them.
On Sunday morning, when you go out dressed up,
By foreigners and countrymen, by everyone you are noted.
Everybody wonders with whom you are in love.
With your rich clothing, coloured in white and red,
You look like a flower, talking to you enchants any heart.
Very happy will be he who will make love to you.
I want to write your name on every star.
Lovely girls like you are no longer born in the village.
Lucky will be he who will put a ring on your finger.
Lucky will be he who will put a ring on your finger.

Jos uvek disem

Daj mi bilo kakav razlog da verujem
Jer se kunem da sam zavrsio ovde
Jer sam video vecu sliku
I tragam za nekim odgovorima
Reci mi da je vredelo
Jer sve sam ucinio sto sam mogao da se izborim
I nikada nisam bio ovako uplasen
I moji trenuci su konacno ovde
Vreme se utrkuje . Molim uspori
Moram da pronadjem izlaz
Obeznadjen sam . Ali se nadam
Moja me pluca nece izneveriti sada
Jer jos disem
Tesko je biti covek
Ali cinim sve sto mogu
Spreman sam da dam sve ovo sto imam
Spreman sam da budem izvanredan
Jer stojim ovde sam
Pokusavajuci da napravim ovaj zivot po svom
I nista ovo srce nece spreciti da kuca
Jos disem
Obecaj mi nekakvo dostojanstvo
Ako bih ostao i umro ovde
Jer moje srce je negde drugde
To je bol kakav nikada nisam osetio
Vreme se utrkuje . Molim uspori
Moram da pronadjem izlaz
Obeznadjen sam . Ali se nadam
Moja me pluca nece izneveriti sada
Jer jos disem
Tesko je biti covek
Ali cinim sve sto mogu
Spreman sam da dam sve ovo sto imam
Spreman sam da budem izvanredan
Jer stojim ovde sam
Pokusavajuci da napravim zivot po svom
I nista ovo srce nece spreciti da kuca
Jos disem
Gde da svi mi nadjemo ljubav
Gde da svi mi nadjemo ljubav
Tesko je biti covek
Ali cinim sve sto mogu
Spreman sam da dam sve sto imam
Spreman sam da budem izvanredan
Jer stojim ovde sam
Pokusavajuci da napravim ovaj zivot po svom
I nista ovo srce nece spreciti da kuca
Jos disem
Tesko je biti covek
Ali cinim sve sto mogu
Spreman sam da dam sve sto imam
Spreman sam da budem izvanredan . Jos disem
Jer stojim ovde sam
Pokusavajuci da napravim ovaj zivot po svom . Jos disem
I nista ovo srce nece spreciti da kuca
Jos uvek disem

A Soul In Love

Versions: #3
My soul is in love just from thinking of you, my love.
I dream of spending every night with you—I am the owner of your love.
My soul is in love, so in love, my god.
If you give me your life, I’ll give you mine, as well.
My soul is in love just from thinking of you, my love.
I dream of spending every night with you—I am the owner of your love.
My soul is in love, so in love, my god.
If you give me your life, I’ll give you mine, as well.
But, what if you tell me that your love belongs to someone else or that you love someone else?
But, what if you tell me “I have no other love because my love would die for you.”
I truly don’t know if you love me, but I can wait for you.
But, please don’t leave me waiting—it will kill me.
Don’t deny me your gaze because I want to keep dreaming it, and, know, that my soul in love will always love you more than anyone.
I truly don’t know if you love me, but I can wait for you.
But, please don’t leave me waiting—it will kill me.
Don’t deny me your gaze because I want to keep dreaming it, and, know, that my soul in love will always love you more than anyone.
But, what if you tell me that your love belongs to someone else or that you love someone else?
But, what if you tell me “I have no other love because my love would die for you.”

DZBB Super Radyo 594 KHz Station ID Jingle (2017 ver.)

Faithful to the news
That's our pledge
Super Radyo 594 2
Always on the alert
Truthful service
Your Kapuso3 at radio
Does not favor anyone
Does not cover4 anyone
Only for truthful service
No one gets left behind
We have integrity
Stability, and ever reliable
Super Radyo 5942
The Filipino Kapuso3
Super Radyo for All5
Truthful service
Does not favor anyone
Does not cover4 anyone
Only for truthful service
No one gets left behind
Super Radyo
  • 'Pronounced: DZ Double B
  • 'Pronounced: Singko, nuwebe, kwatro (five, nine, four)
  • ''Kapuso' (literally: Someone connected through one's heart) refers to follower of media produced and broadcast by GMA Network Inc., DZBB is an affliate with the media conglomerate
  • 'Cover, instead of protect with the latter with a more positive implication. This part refers to the claim that the radio station does not do cover-ups for any erring party.
  • 5. 'Literally translates 'All Super Radyo'. Included appropriate context.


Ona je kuda god da krenem
Svako koga vidim
Zima je prosla ali ja jos uvek nemam sna .
Stize leto
Barem tako kazu ,
ali ovi oblaci nece otici .
jedva disem
dok lezim na podu
uzmi mi srce
dok odlazis
ne treba mi vise
Ovo je secanje
Ovo je kletva imati
Previse vremena za razmisljanje o tome
To me ubija
Ovo je zadnji put
Ovo je moj oprostaj
Ovo je vecito
Sada prolece donosi kisu
Ali jos uvek vidim tvoje lice
I ne mogu pobeci od proslosti
Jezeci se iznutra
Podseca me da ja
Nikada te ne mogu vratiti nazad
Ovo je secanje
Ovo je kletva imati
Previse vremena za razmisljanje o tome
To me ubija
Ovo je zadnji put
Ovo je moj oprostaj
Ovo je vecito
Ovo je vecito
Neka mi neko pomogne
Jer secanje
Preti da me rastrgne
I uspece uskoro
Ovo je secanje
Ovo je kletva imati
Previse vremena za razmisljanje o tome
To me ubija
Ovo je zadnji put
Ovo je moj oprostaj
Ovo je vecito
Ovo je vecito
Neka mi neko pomogne
Jer secanje
Preti da me rastrgne
I uspece uskoro
*Ovo je za sva vremena(
Ona je kuda god da krenem
Svako koga vidim
Ali ovi oblaci nece otici .

The Ballad of Flemmingrad (Traditional Ver.)

There was a loyal a dearest troll,
who was loved by his great goodness.
This is Flemmingrad's song,
here he was greatly loved by all 'Slashtrois'.
They would give him foiegras, mold stew
and so he gobbled them down passionately.
How big was Flemmingrad!
He replenished his tummy in happiness.
And all of them saw him rolling down!
Laughing, he rolled down non-stop!
In a Winter's day, he saw human coming
and them trolls quickly rolled away.
However, giant Flemmingrad,
among the mountains he went to pasture.
People frightened, they wielded a sword
and Flemmy from the fjord, he never got out.
This is Flemmingrad's song!
There, he got trapped in for eternity.
Voice: In the shadows, but unforgotten.
Flemmy was never to roll down ever again!
Oh! Flemmy never rolled down again!
Voice: So, we celebrate this tradition.
In every December, everyone's assembled
to offer their respects to a troll.
Remembering for a friendship
as we all call as Flemmingrad.
His ancestors we were to find,
his nostrils we were to shave off.
In memorian we always build
the Big Flemmingrad's statue.
God bless his soul up in the sky!
Oh, Flemmy! The fungus-troll.


Men arrive and destroy nature straightaway
Take people away, build a dam and say everything will change
The São Francisco, up in Bahia
Says that sooner or later, it will slowly overflow
And step by step, it fulfills the prophecy
Of a priest that said that there would be an inundation at the backlands
The backlands will become a sea, my heart fears
That someday the sea will also become a backland
It will become a sea, my heart fears
That someday the sea will also become a backland
Goodbye Remanso, Casa Nova, Sento Sé
Goodbye Pilão Arcado, here comes the river, swallowing
Under its waters goes your whole life
Above the waterfall, the riverboat will stop passing
There'll be a dam at the Sobradinho Falls
And the people go away, afraid of drowning
The backlands will become a sea, my heart fears
That someday the sea will also become a backland
It will become a sea, my heart fears
That someday the sea will also become a backland
Goodbye Remanso, Casa Nova, Sento Sé
Goodbye Pilão Arcado, here comes the river, swallowing
Under its waters goes your whole life
Above the waterfall, the riverboat will stop passing
There'll be a dam at the Sobradinho Falls
And the people go away, afraid of drowning
The backlands will become a sea, my heart fears
That someday the sea will also become a backland
It will become a sea, my heart fears
That someday the sea will also become a backland
Remanso, Casa Nova, Sento Sé, Pilão Arcado
Sobradinho, goodbye, goodbye
Remanso, Casa Nova, Sento Sé, Pilão Arcado
Goodbye, goodbye
Remanso, Casa Nova, Sento Sé, Pilão Arcado
Goodbye, goodbye
Remanso, Casa Nova, Sento Sé, Pilão Arcado
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
Remanso, Casa Nova, Sento Sé, Pilão Arcado
Goodbye, goodbye
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Paradice in Head

[Verse 1]
You search for the way out of the town and it leads you past horror
empty remainings
Over Hills from Dust and Electronictrash over weathered rails
Past Cars that are laying between the others
Shouldn't trust Eyes cause it seems like they're
From a cloud wall that are staying infront of the sun is falling a rusty rain. And people that aren't anymore people appearing like Zombies for you
When the world appears for you like that and your heart pounds at the Limit. Then is the least Escape in your own head
Then you get in the elevator with just a button
And you move up back in the Paradice in your head
[Verse 2]
And if you move down dare a new try a new
You're silencing the Voices but they are returning
after a short while
How should a glassy person should hide in a glassy world from the
Just one word is enough and this glassy person is turning in
seconds to shards
When the world appears for you like that and your heart pounds at the Limit. Then is the least Escape in your own head
Then you get in the elevator with just a button
And you move up back in the Paradice in your head
Back in your…oh-oh-oh-oho-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Back in your…oh-oh-oh-oho-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Back in your…oh-oh-oh-oho-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Back in your…oh-oh-oh-oho-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
When the world appears for you like that and your heart pounds at the Limit. Then is the least Escape in your own head
Then you get in the elevator with just a button
And you move up back in the Paradice in your head...

Radioative Love

27 calls, 9 problems
I swear that this situation inside burns me
And I do not know what to do
(I have never been thinking the same thing all day)
Text messages, love letters
Justified what has gone from bad to worse
And I do not know what to do
(I got lost)
I have to understand that you've left with him
That maybe he has given you the best of his being
And I'm still here, waiting for your kisses
I would give anything to know what I did wrong
And although it's already late, try to recover
I feel that the desire to have you radioactive
And wanting to be with you, will kill us, will kill us
It will kill us
But I can not doubt
Again I have to dream
Little by little, you kill me and I have to accept it
I'm so far from the beginning and so close to the end
It's so strong what I feel, this can kill me
What have you done to me? It's that I feel like a waste
It's like I was shot in the chest
He lived with the enemy in the same roof
You hurt me princess and you took advantage
Tremendous problem, I'm still in this dilemma
You went with another and I can not get you out of the system
I send you a message and you change the subject
The situation feels like it burns me
I would give anything to know what I did wrong
And although it's already late, try to recover
I feel that the desire to have you radioactive
And wanting to be with you, will kill us, will kill us
(Listen to me well)
I know that you do not feel anything
Your silence, your look
Between the wall and the sword
You tell people that I mistreated you
Justifying that you are with another and cheating on me
But nobody cheats God, my life tarnishes
I thought you were good and you're a piranha
I want to get this love out of my insides
I'm still on my knees because Faith moves mountains
(I feel like I can not anymore)
I have to understand that you've left with him
That maybe he has given you the best of his being
And I'm still here waiting for your kisses
I would give anything to know what I did wrong
And although it's too late to try to recover
I feel that the desire to have you radioactive
And wanting to be with you, will kill us, will kill us
It will kill us
It will kill us


A legend that has fascinated us so
Yes, now like then
Many men passionately seeked anyway
Although difficult to reach
Too far into the jungle
Long ago, lost
Perhaps it still exists there
The city that was full of
Wealth and gold, my friend
Listen to the story
Eldorado - the magic of the legends
Eldorado - of gold and fantasy
The chief was adorned with gold
and then became Eldorade
And in the lake, jewels were sacrificed
O-oh, no one can reach
They adorned their houses with gold
That spread in a lovely light
In the city that was full of
Wealth and gold, my friend
Listen to the story
Eldorado - the magic of the legends
Eldorado - of gold and fantasy

Crazy Heart

My crazy, delirious
Punished heart
Guess what!
Went nuts
And know, embarrassed
Wants your forgiveness
And that, despite the mess
The confusion, the havoc
The embarrassment, the fuss
The disorder
It wants to see us close to one another
Full of calm
I recognize
I did it, I undid it
I turned it inside out, but
I deserve more that only pain
Give me heat and I'll get warm
My crazy, delirious
Punished heart
Guess what!
Went nuts
And know, embarrassed
Wants your forgiveness
And that, despite the mess
The confusion, the havoc
The embarrassment, the fuss
The disorder
It wants to see us close to one another
Full of calm
I recognize
I did it, I undid it
I turned it inside out, but
I deserve more that only pain
Give me heat and I'll get warm
It wants to see us close to one another
Full of calm
I recognize
I did it, I undid it
I turned it inside out, but
I deserve more that only pain
Give me heat and I'll get warm
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Ел Дорадо

Морам да ти испричам причу, на хладној зимској ноћи.
Ти ћеш пловити за славом, пре него што сазнаш шта је исправно!
Тако да дођи овде сада, имам визију за тебе!
То је лично моје змијско уље, само нешто што радим!
Ја сам пајац без суза и играм се твојим страховима,
Ја сам преварант који се смеје испод ове маске љубави и смрти!
Вечну лаж сам рекао о златним пирамидама,
Имам те навученог на сваком кораку - твој новац је остао да гори!
Ти ћеш желети уговор, ах! Чекаћеш задуго!
Волео бих да ти дам свој контакт, али то није мој стил.
Па, имаш само једну шансу, и предобра је да би се пропустила!
Да те не лажем, ја не бих ни постојао!
Похлепа, жудња и завидни понос - то је исти стари пут.
Дим и слике у огледалу које видиш су само ја и ти.
Ја сам паметно лице банкара, са само делићем који се не уклапа,
Ја знам да неко попут тебе зна неког попут мене!
Ел Дорадо* - дођи и заиграј!
Ел Дорадо - закорачи овамо!
Узми карту за вожњу!
Ел Дорадо - златне улице!
Види да је брод продат,
Имаш још једну, последњу шансу да покушаш!
И тако, отишла је слава, и отишло је злато!
Па, ако ти треба прича, како мора да се исприча?
Хах, можеш да кажеш да сам Ђаво - ја нећу рећи: 'Не',
Али овде на мрачној страни... Хеј! Настави са забавом!
Па тако је сада моја прича испричана, велика, лоша, и дупло храбра!
Њихов брод будала тоне док им пукотине почињу да расту!
Нема лаког начина за искреног човека данас,
Што је нешто о чему би требао да размислиш, док мој животни брод одмиче.
Ел Дорадо - дођи и заиграј!
Ел Дорадо - закорачи овамо!
Узми карту за вожњу!
Ел Дорадо - златне улице!
Види да је брод продат,
Имаш још једну, последњу шансу да покушаш!

A Street Boy

I am what I am,
I don't live the life that you do.
I live at the outskirts of the city,
I don't live like you do.
I'm of little worth,1
leave me alone because
I'm a street boy
and you are making fun of me.2
You're from a different world,
you have everything you want.
I know what it's worth
a girl like you.
I'm of bad lot,
leave me alone because
I'm a street boy
and you are playing with me.
You're from a different world,
you have everything you want.
I know what it's worth
a girl like you.
I'm a good-for-nothing,
leave me alone because
I'm a street boy
and you are taking me for a fool.
  • 1. of a bad lot, good-for-nothing
  • 2. playing with me, taking me for a fool.
All translations are copyrighted. Copying is allowed only with proper credit given.
Tutte le traduzioni sono di mia proprietà. Copiare è consentito esclusivamente per uso personale e di studio, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini commerciali e con giusto credito dato.

Flemmingrad the Troll

There was a troll, perhaps the biggest,
Exemplary of honor with the best fungus.
The story of Flemmingrad the Troll,
Anyone from around here could tell it.
He ate with gusto and a voracious appetite.
No one else could consume what he would.
He became the great Flemmingrad.
A troll primed for his own well-being.
Rolling was his gift, gift, gift.
We loved his gift, gift, gift.
One day, the humans showed up.
And the trolls tried to flee through the gap.
But giant Flemmingrad
Got stuck trying to go through.
One frightened man drew his sword.
Flemmy remained in that fjord.
We lost our Flemmingrad.
And now our sadness makes us reminisce.
(He still hasn't been forgotten.)
Without Flemmi, without his gift, gift, gift.
Rolling was his gift, gift, gift.
(And that's why we have this tradition.)
Every December it's our duty
To pay homage and give thanks
To that friend who only ever gave*
The troll known as Flemmingrad
We dig down deep in every garden.
In its nostrils we lay tufts of grass.
It's our way of remembering
Of recreating Flemmingrad.
To the fungus that he made for us.
To Flemmi, the great troll.

Milion na mojoj duši (radio verzija)

Moram pronaći sebe, moram pronaći sada
Moram biti čovek, moram ga sada pronaći
Moram biti čovek
Moram biti čovek
Moram pronaći sebe, moram pronaći sada
Moram biti čovek, moram ga sada pronaći
Moram biti čovek
Moram biti čovek
Kada zadnji put dođem u grad
Zaustavim se u brzom autu po prvi put
Dolazim da kažem zbogom
Nisi me video da plačem
Imam milion (stvari) na svojoj duši
Gradim armiju potpuno sama
Stavili su cenu na moju dušu
Zašto me ne ostaviš na miru?
Oh, ostavi me na miru
Moram biti čovek
Moram biti čovek
Zašto me ne ostaviš na miru?
Moram biti čovek
Moram biti čovek
Dom, dom
Pronalazim dom
Moram pronaći sebe, moram pronaći sada
Moram biti čovek, moram ga sada pronaći
Moram biti čovek
Moram biti čovek
Žele me srediti
Žele me videti kako puzim
Moram biti čovek, moram ga pronaći sada
Moram biti čovek
Moram biti čovek
Kada zadnji put dođem u grad
Zaustavim se u brzom autu po prvi put
Dolazim da kažem zbogom
Nisi me video da plačem
Imam milion (stvari) na svojoj duši
Gradim armiju potpuno sama
Stavili su cenu na moju dušu
Zašto me ne ostaviš na miru?
Oh, ostavi me na miru
Moram biti čovek
Moram biti čovek
Zašto me ne ostaviš na miru?
Moram biti čovek
Moram biti čovek
Dom, dom
Pronalazim dom
Moram pronaći sebe, moram pronaći sada
Moram biti čovek, moram ga sada pronaći
Moram biti čovek
Moram biti čovek

Ludo Zaljubljen

Priznajem ti da sma te već neko vreme idealizovao
Ceo život sam te tražio
Ne znam šta da radiš, izgledaš baš dobro, približiću se
Priznajem ti da mi ne ide pričanje
Ja sam stidljiv, kao što vidiš
Ali ovaj put sam se usudio, rekao sam ti
Imaš me kao ludog ljubavnika
Dušo istina je da mi se sviđaš mnogo
Ti dođi ostalo ću ti reći dok buedmo plesali
I sada mi ne izlaziš iz misli
Već često razmišljam o tebi
Biće da ono što osećam ti osećaš prema meni
Znaš da sam ja
Onaj ko ti daje toplotu
Ja znam da sa mnom prolaziš najbolje
Znaš da sam ja
Onaj ko ti očini da izgubiš kontrolu
Želim da plešem sa tobom do poslednje pesme
Ako si ti za mene, ja sam takođe za tebe
Za još jednu noć sa tobom uradiću šta treba
Ono što treba
Ako si ti za mene, ja sam takođe za tebe
Ako se opustiš daću ti sve što želiš
Imaš me kao ludog ljubavnika
Dušo istina je da mi se sviđaš mnogo
Ti dođi ostalo ću ti reći dok buedmo plesali
I sada mi ne izlaziš iz misli
Već često razmišljam o tebi
Biće da ono što osećam ti osećaš prema meni
Znaš da sam ja
Onaj ko ti daje toplotu
Ja znam da sa mnom prolaziš najbolje
Znaš da sam ja
Onaj ko ti učini da izgubiš kontrolu
Želim da plešem sa tobom do poslednje pesme
Ako si ti za mene, ja sam takođe za tebe
Za još jednu noć sa tobom uradiću šta treba
Ono što treba
Ako si ti za mene, ja sam takođe za tebe
Za još jednu noć sa tobom uradiću šta treba
Uradiću šta treba
Znaš da mi se sviđaš, znaš da volim to
Igraš polako, to me ubija
Daj mi to dušo, ne žurim
Učinimo ovu noć beskonačnom
Nemoj reći da ideš, naćićemo mesto
Na koje niko ne ide, samo ide tama
I ljubime polako
Zaustavimo vreme
Imaš me kao ludog ljubavnika
Dušo istina je da mi se sviđaš mnogo
Ti dođi ostalo ću ti reći dok buedmo plesali
Znaš to
Znaš da sam ja
Onaj ko ti daje toplotu
Znam da sa mnom prolaziš najbolje
Znaš da sam ja
Onaj ko te učini da izgubiš controlu
Želim da plešem sa tobom do poslednje pesme


But woman, what are you doing ?
Why do you go ?
Because you're not
The love that makes me live anymore ?
I'll change if you want,
I'll be like you,
A shadow that you
Could always tame.
Don't do it without me,
It's raining and you
(you) will bathe,
(you) will be ill.
Without me,
Where will you go ?
I'll work,
I'll dress you,
I'll bury you
And you'll always be esteemed
And I'll walk
The way you do,
I will deliver you
From the dreams I have
To spend
Don't do it without me,
It's raining and you
(you) will bathe,
(you) will be ill.
Without me,
Where will you go ?

Нямам причина

Върви ми, върви ми, пък по едно време всичко се закучва,
Винаги на нулата, не се вижда скоро да изгрее слънце и на моята улица
Отдавна този живот на нищо не прилича,
Но какво да правя, като друг си нямам
Понякога не знам какво става нито с мене, нито с тебе
Малко ми остава да избухна и да ти кажа сбогом,
Отдавна тази любов на нищо не прилича,
Но какво да правя като друга си нямам
Нямам причина да пея , нито да се радвам
ама дори и като ми е зле, пак ми е добре
Не искам да пия успокоителни, нито да се напивам,
Весели са моите депресии, нека всичко минава и заминава
Понякога искам да изляза навън из града,
но късно се сещам и всички вече спат тогава
Излизам сама и този избор не е никакъв избор,
но какво да правя като друг си нямам
Когато ми потрябва помощ, всички бягат,
и колкото повече остарявам, толкова по-тежко това го приемам,
Лъжлива са лъжливи, моите си ми приятели,
Но какво да правя, като други си нямам
Припев x4:

Duister paradijs

Versions: #2
Mijn vrienden zeggen dat ik verder moet gaan
Ik lig in de oceaan jouw liedje te zingen
Ah! zo zing jij het dus
Het kan niet verkeerd zijn om altijd van je te houden
Ik ga niet verder, ook al ben je niet hier
Ah! zo speelden wij het dus
Er is niets opgewassen tegen de herinnering van gezichten
Het blijft als een deuntje door m'n hoofd spoken
Je ziel kwelt me en zegt
Dat alles in orde is
Maar ik wou dat ik dood was
Iedere keer als ik de ogen sluit
Is het als een duister paradijs
Niemand is met jou te vergelijken
Ik ben bang dat jij niet zult wachten aan de andere kant
Iedere keer als ik de ogen sluit
Is het als een duister paradijs
Niemand is met jou te vergelijken
Ik ben bang dat jij niet zult wachten aan de andere kant
Mijn vrienden vragen waarom ik me ferm houd
Ik zeg dat het verder gaat wanneer je ware liefde vindt
Ah, daarom blijf ik hier
Er is niets opgewassen tegen de herinnering van gezichten
Het blijft als een deuntje door m'n hoofd spoken
Je ziel kwelt me en zegt
Dat alles in orde is
Maar ik wou dat ik dood was
Iedere keer als ik de ogen sluit
Is het als een duister paradijs
Niemand is met jou te vergelijken
Ik ben bang dat jij niet zult wachten aan de andere kant
Iedere keer als ik de ogen sluit
Is het als een duister paradijs
Niemand is met jou te vergelijken
Maar jij bent er net, behalve vannacht in mijn dromen
O o o , ha ha ha
Ik wil hier vannacht niet uit wakker worden
O o o o , ha ha ha ha
Ik wil hier vannacht niet uit wakker worden
Er is geen soelaas, ik zie jou in mijn slaap
En iedereen jaagt me op, maar ik voel hoe jij me aanraakt
Er is geen soelaas, ik voel hoe jij mij in mijn dromen
Zegt dat het met mij in orde is
Iedere keer als ik de ogen sluit
Is het als een duister paradijs
Niemand is met jou te vergelijken
Ik ben bang dat jij niet zult wachten aan de andere kant
Iedere keer als ik de ogen sluit
Is het als een duister paradijs
Niemand is met jou te vergelijken
Maar jij bent er net, behalve vannacht in mijn dromen
O o o , ha ha ha
Ik wil hier vannacht niet uit wakker worden
O o o o , ha ha ha ha
Ik wil hier vannacht niet uit wakker worden
Please alert me when spelling, print or other inconsistencies are spotted. When spotting them myself I tend to lapse into a *#@%* mood!


Ti cullerò come un bambino, ti
Cullerò nelle mie braccia
Ti terrò al sicuro dal pericolo
Proteggendoti dal male
Non ci sarà mai un altro amante
Che ti tratterà come faccio io
Ti trascinerò nel per sempre
In un amore che é fatto per due
Non dire mai che questo amore non é speciale
Non pensare mai che non é essenziale
Stavo solo pensando a te
Sperando che tu stessi pensando a me
Due cuori che battono come uno
Contro il mondo
Io sogno sempre di te
Sperando che tu stia sognando me
Non potrei mai vivere
Un giorno senza il tuo amore
Ti bacerò come un angelo tesoro
Cullato nelle mie ali
Ti porterò in Paradiso
Ti mosterò cose preziose
Se prometti che mi ami
Se prometti che ci tieni
Sarò qui per te sempre
E per sempre questo lo giuro
Non dire mai che questo amore non é speciale
Non pensare mai che non é essenziale
Stavo solo pensando a te
Sperando che tu stessi pensando a me
Due cuori che battono come uno
Contro il mondo
Io sogno sempre di te
Sperando che tu stia sognando me
Non potrei mai vivere un giorno
Senza il tuo amore
Però hai detto di volere un amore
Ma non pensi di crederci
Allora apri il tuo cuore
E sai lo riceverai
Oh tesoro
Non dire mai che questo amore non é speciale
Non pensare mai che non é essenziale
Stavo solo pensando a te
Sperando che tu stessi pensando a me
Due cuori che battono come uno
Contro il mondo
Io sogno sempre di te
Sperando che tu stia sognando me
Nonpotrei mai vivere un giorno
Senza il tuo amore
Stavo solo stavo solo stavo solo pensando a te
Stavo solo stavo solo stavo solo pensando a te
Stavo solo stavo solo stavo solo pensando a te
Stavo solo stavo solo stavo solo pensando....oh tesoro