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At the end of this road,
Something definitely awaits.
Even I know that without being told!
I’ve started walking forward.
The destination ahead
Has many troubles along the way, making me fed up.
How much further will it be
Until the end of the end?
Even when I awaken from a dream,
Nothing has really changed.
At least show me a decent dream!
One with nowhere to run. Isn’t that simple?
It’s all too much, but I’ll hold my ground.
One way or another, I’ll cut on through!
I hear you already, so quiet down.
There are things that go without saying!
What, what, what
What on Earth could be my problem?
If by continuing to live, this world will someday change,
I’ll see it through to the end, witnessing it with my very own eyes!
Thinking “I’ve done the best I can”,
The hands of the clock just keep spinning.
Huh? Huh? I didn’t expect
To feel this unfulfilled.
“I’m different. I’m sure I can do it.”
That’s a mistake, a bad joke, I’m sorry—
I’m average, not a genius!
Saying “It’s nothing”,
I cried in secret.
Swallowing my urge to say “Actually…”
I always put on a fake smile.
What, what, what,
What on Earth is wrong with me?
I’m always thinking that I want to change.
Yeah, how much time has passed since I last remembered?
It’s all too much, but I’ll hold my ground.
One way or another, I’ll cut on through!
I hear you already, so quiet down.
There are things that go without saying!
What, what, what
What on Earth could be my problem?
If by continuing to live, this world will someday change,
I’ll see it through to the end, with my very own eyes!

Black arable land is plowed

Black arable land plowed, gay, gay,
Black arable land plowed,
And bullets are sown, gay, gay,
And sown with bullets.
White body draped, gay, gay,
White body moistened,
And the blood is washed, gay, gay,
And the blood is washed,
A Cossack is lying on a mound, gay, gay,
A Cossack is lying on a mound,
Chinese face covered, gay, gay,
Chinese face covered.
Red chinese, gay, gay,
Red Chinese,
Merit Cossack, gay, gay,
Merit of the Cossacks.
No coffins, no pits, gay, gay,
Neither coffins nor pits,
Neither father nor mother, gay, gay,
Neither father nor mother.
And no one to call, gay, gay,
And no one to call
Also light a candle, gay, gay,
Also light a candle.
Horses ringing their hooves, gay, gay,
Horses ring their hooves,
And the soldiers are jailed, gay, gay,
And soldiers with jails.
Flying crows from strangers, gay, gay,
He sits on the grave.
His eyes are drinking, gay, gay,
His eyes drink.
Walking mother, shouting, gay, gay,
Looking for his son.
'Oh I know your son, gay, gay,
Because I have a supply of it. '
'Tell me, dear crow, gay, gay,
Is my son still alive?
And are the eyes clear, gay, gay,
But are the lips reddish? ..
Tell me, cute crow, gay, gay,
Is my son still alive,
Does the hair turn white, gay, gay,
But will the face blush? '
'And now his mouth is blue, gay, gay,
And he has broken hair.
I squat on my face, gay, gay,
I drink his eyes! .. '

No war in Ukraine

Please listen to me, I do not ask much
I explain you the conflict from another viewpoint
We Ukrainian people, we never wanted any fight with Russia
Still the Yankees are triggering an ambush
Politicians that speak out for everyone
It is about money and power - we care about human lives
Russian panzers that retract in my country
You see dead people in front of Maidan.
Some people will be jailed, other will be killed.
Please Lord, protect my country.
It is about my family, they have not deserved it.
They want no fight, they want no war
Yet those up there have their own intentions.
They puzzle us with messages
Look what are they up to, look how people suffer
Fuck our politics - let the people decide
And they do not talk - they send troops
A fight between the Good and the Evil - but who is who ?
And you don't recognize that - we agree on it
Fuck the Yankees - look how Putin defends our country
They lie in the media and you fall into their snare
Look how two powers split up our country
No politics - no, that's bullshit
And because of that bullshit 18 year-old lads are dying.
You tear people apart, you see it in the eyes
You can take us everything, but never our faith
We want no war, no tierce
We have no strong army, but a strong heart.

Over the Rainbow

That common story was too long to read all the way to the end.
The world outside my window keeps moving like normal.
The sky that I look at while saying goodbye is beautiful even though its colors are fading.
Will the falling rain reach you?
The foolish me keeps laughing.
I start running from here, I will continue without getting lost.
I will cross over the cloudy sky that covers the world.
Over the rainbow.
I will go to the place where the light changes color.
The ordinary me will continue searching for the small map through which I can see the world.
Little by little I forgot the shining scenery that I saw in front of me.
The foolish me keeps on laughing.
I will keep walking like this and smile even on rainy days.
From now on I will color my world with the seven colors of the rainbow.
Over the rainbow.
I know that the color of my heart has changed.
I hate feeling like a failure by only counting things that I cannot do... I will say goodbye to that me.
I start running from here, I will continue without getting lost.
I will cross over the cloudy sky that covers the world.
Over the rainbow.
I will go beyond the point where the color of the light changes, towards the unknown and beloved heart in my world.

Oh A Red Rose A Rose That's Red

Oh a red rose a rose that's red I (2)
Had I a Husband I had Husband
I had husband a drunkard
He did not not work no he just drank | (2)
Came home he did he did come home
He came home he beat me so
Don't hit me husband don't beat me| (2)
I'll leave You my Children my children I'll leave you
My self I'll go past the Danube
And as I at upon a boat | (2)
A White Handkerchief a kerchief that's White
A white handkerchief I did wave
I 'll unbraid my hair down my shoulders | (2)
Not once I deeply not once I bitterly
Not once I'll cry so bitterly
Oh A Red Rose - A White Flower | (2)
Oh what for what Oh for what has My Beloved
Has so wasted my whole world
Return Oh Wife do return Home | (2)
You're child is crying cryin's your child
Your Child is crying after You
And where do you husband spend the night | (2)
You're child is crying cryin's your child
Your Child is crying don't you hear

My song

When the computer is turned off and the phone is silent
Let me come to you tonight
I want to learn the first steps
And begin the first song
Far is the star's path
To where I should lead you?
On a little pathway along the Gauja?
Those are the words from my nation
And my song is also from them
And I know nobody's going to sing it
In my place
Say Northern wind
From where there's such obstinacy in me?
After the thunderstorm there always will be the sun
After the night always will be the morning
And you glowing bonfire
With you I can warm up and burn
To see in thick darkness
To jump over you in Midsummer
I take a step closer
And I feel that you are there
If I could always stand like that -
Between the moment and the eternity

Колико дуго ћу те волети

Колико дуго ћу те волети?
Докле год буде звезда изнад тебе,
и дуже ако будем могао...
Колико дуго ћеш ми требати?
Докле год годишња доба буду
морала да прате свој редослед...
Колико дуго ћу бити са тобом?
Докле год је мору суђено
да се испира на песку...
Колико дуго ћу те желети?
Докле год ти то будеш желела,
и дуже, много дуже...
Колико дуго ћу те грлити?
Докле год ти је отац рекао,
докле год постојиш...
Колико дуго ћу ти давати?
Докле год живим кроз тебе,
колико год да кажеш...
Колико дуго ћу те волети?
Докле год су звезде изнад тебе,
и дуже ако будем могао...
(превео Гаврило Дошен)


On this day there bloom fire works and we hear resounding songs
God forbid that we should forget what day this is,
God don't let us forget, don't let us God forget,
O God don't let us forget this day in May.
For four terrible years we have journeyed to this day,
All the torments and anxieties we drunk down to the bottom,
Through all the torments and anxieties we journeyed on four years,
We went on to victory, and spring went there with us all.
O holy victory, O dear victory!
A holiday of peace, freedom, and spring!
And then why are my eyes now then weeping?
For not everyone had returned from the war.
Millions do sleep dead out there in the trenches,
These are the sons of my dear country.
Where would you Europe be then today?
Where would you be if it hadn't been for them all?
This day, orchestras play to the delight of children,
And again the heart is torn by the old melodies.
On this day the orchestras play and again tear at the heart,
And again the heart is torn by the old melodies.
And the gray veterans remembering that war,
This day, they place tulips there by the Eternal Flame.
And gray veterans this day place their tulips there
This day, they place tulips there by the Eternal Flame.
Millions do sleep dead out there in the trenches,
These are the sons of my dear country.
Where would you Europe be then today?
Where would you be if it hadn't been for them all?
O holy victory, O dear victory!
A holiday of peace, freedom, and spring!

But We are Ukrainians

Oh, night - dear night, where's that river at,
That I may drown there my grief? ..
Oh, where is that sun, that at the window
Had visited me at least for a moment,
And they beat us, we don't fall,
And they drive us - we don't go,
We won't mention all the bad and happily shall we live!
And we on our page, leastwise a kerchief
A hopak we shall dance,
And we, we're - Ukrainians, we're - Ukrainians -
Such is this our fate!
Oh, earth-dear earth, how dark it is
So you can't see the horizon.
Oh, summer - dear summer for my dear children
From the heavens I'll gather up the stars
And they beat us, we don't fall,
And they drive us - we don't go,
We will remember about love and happily shall we live!
Oh, woe - the woe, there the deep blue sea
Has flowed up to the stars,
Oh, where is the whiskey, that my dear head
Knew not these sad thoughts.
And they beat us, we don't fall,
And they drive us - we don't go,
We will rejoice our native land and happily shall we live!

By the Valley a Kalyna Bush

By the valley a Kalyna bush
Has bent down to the water,
You do tell me, tell me O Kalino,
How did you settle here,
You do tell me, tell me O Kalino,
How did you settle here.
Some how early in the spring
A brave boy jumped by,
Admired me for a long time,
And then he took me with him,
Admired me for a long time,
And then he took me with him.
He wanted me a Kalyna
To be planted in his garden,
He did not take me and threw me in the field,
I thought I would then perish ,
He did not take me and threw me in the field,
I thought I would then perish ,
So I grabbed at the ground,
I then stood upon my feet,
And remained here forever,
Where the water was and the nightingale,
And remained here forever
Where water was and the nightingale,
You do not bend O wind the Kalyna,
I will not now perish here:
Above me the sun shines
And I'll continue here to bloom.

River of Sorrow

There where we broke up, you and I -
There's silence all around,
And there a swift current does flow
Breaking upon the shores.
There the ruins of burnt bridges are
And in the infinite distance
Between the shores of loneliness |
Flows the river - sorrow ... | (2)
And here at one time flowed the river of love
From the evening to the morning pure and swift! |
From the evening to the morning pure and swift|
Our loving ran a river here! | (2)
There where we broke up, you and I -
There grows a weeping grass
And a gentle nightingale song
Does not warm the heart.
There where we broke up, you and I -
So sad, so sad, so sad -
Between the shores of loneliness |
Flows the river - sorrow ... | (2)
Refrain. (2)
The river of our love flowed here ...

There o're the pond a Willow

I had told you I'll not be gone for long.
I'll return as soon as the garden blooms.
And o'er the pond a willow has leaned down so.
Oh it was not for long, girl, that you were sad.
And o'er the pond a willow has leaned down so.
Oh it was not for long, girl, that you were sad.
It was only for two springs that I did not return.
It was such a twisted fate that I had,
And o'er the pond a willow has leaned down so.
Oh it was not for long, girl, that you were sad.
And o'er the pond a willow has leaned down so.
Oh it was not for long, girl, that you were sad.
It was only for two springs that I did not return.
And when I had returned you were no longer mine.
And o'er the pond a willow has leaned down so.
Oh it was not for long, girl, that you were sad.
And o'er the pond a willow has leaned down so.
Oh it was not for long, girl, that you were sad.
Now grown old I don't sleep, there the rustling reeds .
How will I now live in the world without you.
And o'er the pond a willow has leaned down so
Oh it was not for long, girl, that you were sad.
And o'er the pond a willow has leaned down so.
Oh it was not for long, girl, that you were sad.


Oh, the storks are flying,
They do fly far seeking paradise.
Here I remain at home ,
For here there are the spruces, here is my native land!
Here I with my native language,
Do I color them, be they as in dreams,,
I have conversed with the oak groves there,
Here fate has given me two great wings!
I'm so winged, for I've grown up in the Carpathians,
For I grew up in the Carpathians, where the eagle flys!
My eyes are blue, for in Ukraine
Blue-blue nights, the sky and water!
I have, like ears of corn, golden hair ,
For golden is the autumn there in Ukraine!
I sing so loudly for I'm Ukrainian,
Those who do not love me, I just pity them!
Oh, the storks in spring all do fly out
Back again to my native land.
Oh, they all fly home,
Forgetting their fatigue, coloring the gardens.
I will meet them all there with a song
A song radiant, and oh so pure
About that land, there since childhood
Every day I drank water from a spring !
Refrain. (2)

Kiša na mene

Nisam tražila besplatnu vožnju
Samo sam tražila da mi pokažeš stvarno dobar provod
Nikada nisam tražila kišu
Barem sam se pojavila,
ti si mi pokazao ništa
Spušta se na meni
Voda kao jad
Spušta se na meni
Spremna sam, kiša na mene
Radije bih bila suva, ali barem sam živa
Kiša na mene, kiša, kiša
Kiša na mene, kiša, kiša
Radije bih bila suva, ali barem sam živa
Kiša na mene, kiša, kiša (x4)
Živim u svetu u kojem niko nije nevin
Oh, ali barem pokušavamo, mmm
Moram da živim svoju istinu, ne da je držim u bocama
Tako da ne gubim razum, bebo, da
Osećam je na svojoj koži (Spušta se na mene)
Kapljice na mom licu (Voda poput jada)
Neka opere moje grehe (Spušta se na mene)
Neka opere, da
Radije bih bila suva, ali barem sam živa
Kiša na mene, kiša, kiša
Kiša na mene, kiša, kiša
Radije bih bila suva, ali barem sam živa
Kiša na mene, kiša, kiša
Kiša (kiša) na mene
Kiša na mene, mene, mene (x5)
Ruke prema nebu
Biću tvoja galaksija
Idem da letim
Kiša na mene, cunami
Ruke prema nebu
Biću tvoja galaksija
Idem da letim
Kiša na mene (kiša na mene)
Radije bih bila suva, ali barem sam živa (Kiša na mene)
Kiša na mene, kiša, kiša
Kiša na mene, kiša, kiša (Kiša na mene)
Radije bih bila suva, ali barem sam živa (Barem sam živa)
Kiša na mene, kiša, kiša (Kiša na mene, bebo)
Kiša na mene (Kiša na mene)
Čujem kako se grom spušta
Nećeš padati na mene?
Eh, eh, da (Kiša na, woo)
Čujem kako se grom spušta
Nećeš padati na mene? (Mene)
Kiša na mene


Last Minutes
And everyone will go...
In their mysterious way where dreams come true
Still yesterday you were a child
And tomorrow will be your day
Already as an adult, that day begins
Recollect stuff there is .... for everyone
But there is something that all of us unites
Corridors of school .... memories of fun,
And the first love and troubles around
But those days are so unforgettable
And we are the last time in that room
And tomorrow everyone will go to their goal
I will miss you
- School...
It will never return...
I go to adult life by a purpose
- School .....
Everything that you gave me I will take with me (2 times)
There are so many different thoughts in your head
But only one defines who you will become
This is the thought of how to make this step
Not to stop before the moment you reach the goal
Recollect stuff there is .... for everyone
But there is something that all of us unites
Corridors of school .... memories of fun,
And the first love and troubles around
But those days are so unforgettable
And we are the last time in that room
And tomorrow everyone will go to their goal
I will miss you
- School...
It will never return...
I go to adult life by a purpose
- School .....
Everything that you gave me I will take with me (2 times)

In Ukraine (Delanoe/Giraud)

la la la in Ukraine
For the big night of summer
We speed from every bottom of the plains
Over all the roads to go dance
la la la in Ukraine
Catherina, the joyful heart
She wears (it) like a queen
Flowers in a crown on her blond hair
The entire nation moves
Catharina on the way
Clicks her red boots joyfully
And her linnen skirt flies over the wind
La la la a bit before
the feast was begon
she sings about the happiness
of living and loving until she's out of breath
La la la in Ukraine
When the night of Saint John returns
It's love which unchains itself
In a tornade of joy and song
La la la and the fever
Climbs, climbs amidst the cries
They'll say it's a dream
Their shadows who turn, turn in the night
And throughout the village
The rain changes the background
But despite the storm that rages
Catherina dances, dances, still dances
La la la in Ukraine
When de night begins during the day
A girl in the plain
Goes for love in the arms of a boy

The song of the Lake - The seagull

In the water you slide like a goldfish
And I'm the fisherman with an empty net
You're the sea and I'm your shipwrecked sailor
In your embrace I die and live
You're the southern wind and I'm a lost bird
Wherever you want you take me, you toss me
You're the northern wind, you freeze my wings
And afterwards with one kiss you take me up high
You hold the wheel and the sails
And I'm a lost lonely child
You're a witch and I'm your follower
Without you I don't know how to live
You're the southern wind and I'm a lost bird
Wherever you want you take me, you toss me
You're the northern wind, you freeze my wings
And afterwards with one kiss you take me up high

The Guelder-Rose Blooms

I for the longest have loved you
Why don't you notice
And give me flowers?
I['ll] follow you and steal glances
Only I won't tell anyone of my love for you.
The guelder-rose blooms in a field near a steam,
The oleander blooms and I
Go crazy without your love
And without you,
And you pass by, as always,
And never look at me!
You are my unhappiness, my love,
My sorrow1...
The sun is out and the moon has set...
You are alone and I am alone.
Hear me, sweet dear,
My good dear guy,
Have pity, don't stop dreaming2,
Just give me flowers
And whisper that you love me.
  • 1. Lit. 'My trouble'
  • 2. Lit. 'don't break dreams'

Duga u mraku

Kada ima munja
Znaš da me to rastužuje
Jer su one slobodne i vidim da sam ja
Onaj ko je zauvek izgubljen
Vapim za magijom
Osećam kako igra na svetlu
Bilo je hladno, izgubio sam uticaj
Na senke noći
Nema znaka da jutro dolazi
Prepuštena si sama sebi
Kao duga u mraku
Duga u mraku
Da li te tvoji demoni
Ikada ostavljaju na miru?
Kada pokušavaš, da li se kriju duboko unutra?
Je li to neko koga znaš?
Ti si samo slika
Ti si fotografija uslikana na vreme
Mi smo laž, ti i ja
Mi smo reči bez rime
Nema znaka da jutro dolazi
Prepuštena si sama sebi
Kao duga u mraku
Duga u mraku
Kada vidim munju
Znaš da me to rastužuje
Jer je slobodna i vidim da sam ja
Onaj ko je zauvek izgubljen
Oseti magiju
Osećam je kako lebdi u vazduhu
Ali to je strah i čućeš je
Kako te doziva da budeš pažljiva
Nema znaka da jutro dolazi
Nema znaka dana
Prepuštena si sama sebi
Kao duga
Kao duga u mraku
Da, da
Ti si duga u mraku
Samo duga u mraku
Nema znaka jutru
Ti si duga u mraku

O'er The Edge Of Our Town

O'er the edge of our town
Foxbat MiG1 was flying by,
On the logs I've fallen down,
Popped my cherry on the fly.
  • 1. MiG-25: one of the fastest and loudest supersonic interceptor aircraft in the world
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

My Sons, Beloved Falcons

Our sons have grown up, beloved falcon - sons
Their embroidered shirts, their curly heads.
For her children a mother was proud and happy.
A father's smile bloomed quietly with love.
Descended over the earth a disquieting echo.
A thunder in a clear sky - an accursed war.
And on a long distant road our sons have gathered, -
The old ash trees have shrouded themselves in sadness.
My sons, beloved falcons - dear Sons.
The sunrise has covered a fiery wall there.
Your shirts have been already burned up
And the temple is covered in a morning grayness.
A grayness.
In anxious anticipation a father's, heart flutters.
A mother's prayer flies out in the dark night: -
'Return to us alive, beloved sons, our sons,
do protect oh Mother of God us all from war. '
And over the blue sky the falcons do fly: -
'We're alive, we've returned!'- from the heavens they shout, -
'On wings we bring the world a peaceful slumber,
We'll fall as heavy rain upon the old ash trees... »
My sons, beloved falcons - dear sons.
The sunrise has covered a fiery wall there.
Your shirts have been already burned up
And the temple is covered in a morning grayness.
My sons, beloved falcons - dear Sons.
The sunrise has covered a fiery wall there.
Your shirts have been already burned up
And the temple is covered in a morning grayness.
A grayness.

My Beloved Sons. My Dear Falcons

The house has blossomed forth with enchanting towels,
The summers of long ago have returned to the threshold,
And there the white mother leans over her sons,
Who have again returned home from their travels.
My beloved sons, my dear falcons
There are many roads in this world
Yet you have but only one mother,
In this whole wide world, only one.
Putting in their heads silently the cuckoo's call,
As if all around, everything fell into a silent slumber,
And two poplars whispered to the children 'lulabys',
And the young morning remained still by the window.
It seems that the house had brightened, stood higher,
It seems that there was more light and warmth,
And again the smell of strawberries and ripe cherries inside ,
And there the white mother - like a cherry -had blossomed.

Yes I Have Black Hair

Versions: #2
If only the mushrooms didn't spring up in the forest,
If only the girls didn't go out for walks.
Yes I have black hair, cute, and curly
I didn't pick mushrooms, I went for a stroll with a cossack,
Yes I have black hair, cute, and curly
I didn't pick mushrooms, I went for a stroll with a cossack,
If in the field the viburnum, it hadn't blossomed,
If the father hadn't brought up a girl.
Yes I have black hair, cute, and curly
Fit and fledged, the boys, they were winking.
Yes I have black hair, cute, and curly
Fit and fledged, the boys, they were winking.
If only the girls had sewn in the evenings,
And couldn't go for a walk down the streets?
Yes I have black hair, cute, and curly
With a bodkin I was embroidering, the young men were fascinated.
Yes I have black hair, cute, and curly
With a bodkin I was embroidering, the young men were fascinated.
So at that time I had no peace,
For me the boys, they were a herd.
Yes I have black hair, cute, and curly
Diligent and bravely, I replied to the guys
Yes I have black hair, cute, and curly
Diligent and bravely, I replied to the guys
Hey, you, boys, do not cause me trouble
I have a boyfriend with blue eyes.
Yes I have black hair, cute, and curly
I kissed him, and stitched a kerchief for him
Yes I have black hair, cute, and curly
I kissed him, and stitched a kerchief for him
If only the mushrooms didn't spring up in the forest,
If only the girls didn't go out for walks.
Yes I have black hair, cute, and curly
I didn't pick mushrooms, I went for a stroll with a cossack,
Yes I have black hair, cute, and curly
I didn't pick mushrooms, I went for a stroll with a cossack,
Yes I have black hair, cute, and curly
I didn't pick mushrooms, I went for a stroll with a cossack,

We're Always Taking A Train For Somewhere

A station in the early hours
Two lovers holding hands
They're sad or they are happy
We don't know, but they're a couple
Life is like that, you know it well:
One train goes, another comes
We're always taking a train for somewhere
A big blue train
A big white train, a big black train
We're always taking a train for somewhere
At the end of the platform
Waving hands and handkerchiefs
You and I, we'll go very far away
We'll love so much and so hard
That the whole world will not know
The how nor the why
One day, the last days will come
We will take the final carriage
We're always taking a train for somewhere
A big blue train
A big white train, a big black train
We're always taking a train for somewhere
At the end of the platform
Waving hands, saying 'Goodbyes'

Let it Rain

I don't want to have nightmares anymore
You touch me
I need you to rain so I can fall asleep
My humble lullaby
My heart today
Dark and dark
I really want it
Piling in the mind
I hid and hid it
Let the furstration disappear
It rains all over the world
My heart is comfortable
Let it flow into the rainwater
It rains all over the world
My heart is warm
So that the pain will be washed away
The weight of life these days is heavy
I remember the day
Fold your umbrella
The rain falls
I used to walk like that
My heart today
Dark and dark
I really want it
I need you to rain so I can fall asleep
Please wet my heart
It rains all over the world
My heart is comfortable
Let it flow into the rainwater
It rains all over the world
My heart is warm
So that the pain will be washed away
I need you to rain so I can fall asleep
My humble lullaby

The orchard in Lorraine

All the blood shed
by the men in the plain
and all the departed
of uncertain causes
have allowed this orchard
to grow hundreds
of roses and apple trees
and marjoram too.
All those who cried
they were dying in vain,
all those who wept,
their foreheads in the grass,
all those who breathed
their last sigh there
have turned this orchard
on the Lorraine border
into a sweet loving cove
for lovers as spring comes.
All those thrown to the ground
before they could ever
say in wonder:
'Your eyes are the ones I love',
all these brides
who waited in vain,
these men torn away
from their coming weddings,
they all smile seeing
those who are brought by love
to the grass of this orchard
as their mouths unite.
All those who left behind
their ordinary love,
their limbs smashed,
their blood outside their veins,
all those we mourned
during bygone wars,
all those we forgot,
the nameless, the bohemian,
all rise up and sing
when carefree lovers
come by to share
the serene caress
they themselves were denied
for the sake of an old tune.
All the blood shed
by the men in the plain
and all the departed
of uncertain causes
have allowed this orchard
to grow hundreds
of roses and apple trees
and marjoram too,
have turned this orchard
on the Lorraine border
into a sweet loving cove
for lovers as spring comes.

Romeo and Juliet

Good morning! You have a message from Mars:
How have you been, how are you?
Is there still the taste of love on earth?
Where does one look for it, how does one tie it down?
May I touch? -
the beach in Montevideo
Can Imake your acquaintance? - Shakespeare's
'Juliet and Romeo'
Who always together hand in hand
In loves arch
Always together hand in hand
In the misery of death
Always together hand in hand
In life's joke
And that isn't theatre or something, no
Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing
Good morning! Is it posiible to feel it, to touch it,
Without love's sweet taste?
It doesn't matter whether on earth or on Mars
It is easier to allure than to await
That can be touched - on the beach in Montevideo
It can be acquainted with - Shakespeare's 'Juliet and Romeo'
Who always together hand in hand
In loves arch
Always together hand in hand
In the misery of death
Always together hand in hand
In life's joke
And that isn't theatre or something, no
Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing
Who always together hand in hand
In Montevideo
Always together hand in hand
In 'Juliet and Romeo'
On earth or on Mars,
When they are together hand in hand
Who always together hand in hand
In loves arch
Always together hand in hand
In the misery of death
Always together hand in hand
In life's joke
And that isn't theatre or something, no
Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing

The best feeling

whenever my eyes see you, I don't know what happens to me
I lose myself with a look from you
there's so much in my heart for you
shyness takes over me when I see you
mixed with silence and awe
and I lose sense of time
I no longer know what to say
my heartbeats can't be blamed
they get faster when I'm beside you
even with a 'hi'
he steals me away even from afar
if you find my heart's still restless
it's just to draw your attention
never stop looking at me, you're one who's unlike any other
it's like when I met you I met my own self with you
why would I say 'I wish' when your love made all my wishes come true
I live the most beautiful sensation with you
it gets prettier every day
the beginning of its end is beyond imagination
If you wish to use any of my works, kindly consult with me first.
إن أردت استخدام أي من أعمالي أرجو منك التواصل معي أولًا



Do you know, good people, who is Maui?
He is the coolest half God on the Pacific Islands!
He has magical hook! He conquered Sun!
Pulled from the sea the islands and slaughtered the monsters.
I know for sure that, because I am Maui ...
Yey, can I myself?
Did not impress? Seriously?
Well... before it worked ...

Kišni dani

[Intro: Boogie]
Nigga, ja nosim krznenu bundu leti, nigga
Majicu 'bijem ženu' zimi, jebote
Oh, sranje
[Pripev: Boogie]
Klošarim kroz moje kisne dane danima
Stvarno nisam za bleju danas, danas
Tebaju mi veće promene
Samo se molim da neću nikada izbledeti
[Vers 1: Boogie]
Yo, yo, oh, liče
Yo, dajem reč naslovima
Dakle reč mojim idolima i reč legendama
Ne kažem da ih gotivim
Pobio bi ih sve i nosio k'o kapute
Reč osećanjima koja kanališem
Gubim ih brzo ko jebeni daljinac
Nemoj me zvati osvešćenim
Varam svoju kraljicu sa kurvom
Tako stvari stoje, stalno govori da se zgusnemo
Ona će izaći iz svog oklopa
Nemoj da me dražiš
Kad sva moja osećanja zapnu na 'Pa dobro'
Kujo, ja sam žedan i blagoslovljen
Sipam tečnost u gralove
Ovo je za moje crnčuge u zatvoru, koji se hrvaju sa L's
To je taj pakao u ćeliji
Ja dolazim iz mesta gde sranja mogu postati zasenčena
Šansa mi je bila mršava
Sve moje žene su bile jeftine
Vidimo različite rase još od pevanja Em
Ne mogu poslati poruku ni jednoj od mojih bivših
i kurvi kao prijatelj
Ne smem ponovo popušiti
Treba mi kučka koja je debela ko moja koža, jer jebiga
[Pripev: Boogie]
Klošarim kroz moje kišne dane danima
Stvarno nisam za bleju danas, danas
Tebaju mi veće promene
Samo se molim da neću nikada izbledeti
[Vers 2: Eminem]
Ostavio sam svoju zaostavštinu povređenom? Jebeni apsurd
Ko kad ovčarski pas ima sex sa svojom ovcom, zajebi šta si čuo
Sva ova priča u mojoj glavi, imam ideju
K'o prodavac kad hoćeš da kupiš pivo
Od kad sam na mikrofonu, ja sam noćna mora
Jebi ga, mislio sam da će ovo biti dobra priča to put woke me to rockabye
Imam flašu NyQuil-a ovde (ovde)
######, hoćeš EP od Slim Shady-a
To je na kaveru albuma, ######
Obećavam da neću puštati krokodilske suze
Ako se šokiraš na moj tekst
Maršal je mrtav u vodi, al nije da me briga
Dre je rekao, 'Zatalasaj' a Doc je moj rival
Pa, jednoglasno je, pažnja je na tebi, planeta sluša
I njihova se banana ponovo podelila, što ima svojih prednosti
I kad nemaš ništa drugo da kažeš osim o ruci u kojoj ti je kurac
i ako planiraš da ga zabiješ Janice Dickinson
Zamisli da Temazepam provaljuje, i da postaješ uspaničen
Saplićeš se o triptofan i saplićeš fana u Švajcarskoj
Samo da bi te pitao da mu potpišeš sliku, onda je pocepao na pola
i ošinuo ga time i mlatio ga sve do Mičigena
Ali nije bitno koliko rundi i da li bivam nokautiran
na takmičenju i pao na pod
Imam borilački mentalitet, podiću se i boriti se tim
Ustvari, napadaću mikrofon tim
Napraviću da zvuči kao da ga vampir grize
Ali morao bih biti Drakulin prisan prijatelj
Da bih pao na odbrojavanje (Haha), da
Yo, album je (šta?), izašao (Da), sada (Uh)
Pau (Pau), Vau (Vau), ne vidim (Ha?) nigde (Oh) oblaka (Nee)
Ali neće (Ne) biti (Ha) suša (a-a)
Osmeh (Ne), smršteno (Da), gore (Ah), dole (To)
Ušutkaj moja (Ne), usta (Da), Kako? (Kako)
To nije ono (Ono) šta sam ja
Poklik (Poklik), tuširanje
Thuggin', thug it out
[Outro: Boogie]
Klošarim kroz moje kišne dane danima
Stvarno nisam za bleju danas, danas
Trebaju mi veće promene
Samo se nadam da neću, dođavola
Samo se molim da neću, jebem ti
Klošarim kroz moje kisne dane danima
Stvarno nisam za bleju danas, danas
Trebaju mi veće promene
Samo se molim da neću nikada izbledeti

O Sleep My Little Kozak

Anatoliy Sukhogo's lyrics and music
Sleep, my little Kozak son,
Go turn upon your side,
Sleep, my dear son, your mother is now lulling you,│
Sleep, O Kozak, your horse will calmly wait for you. │2
Luli, luli, bye and bye,
Come will Nicholas, tomorrow,
Bringing you as a gift, │
There a packet of Golden songs. │2
And in the quiet winter night, │
We will venture out to the Sich, │
There they will give to us │
A lovely sliced carrot│2
Sleep, O Kozak, it's early yet for battle,
Your Hetmans there are all still young,
And when you go to your first battle- │
There are few of us now, and even less of you. │2
Sleep my dear son, you must sleep now ,
The bunny sleeps as does brother wolf,
The blue waterfall does play, so │
A fairy tale drifts over the land, │
Luli-luli, bye and bye. │2