Резултати претраге страна 7
Број резултата: 302
Rita Ritaki
Versions: #2
The river is struggling to flow into the sea
And the poet is searching to find his muse
The wave is trying to find its way to the coastline
And I'm looking for you, who stood me up again
I was looking for trouble and I finally found it
And I went ahead and loved a baby named Rita
Rita is 18 and I am 45
Rita, you're in the beginning and I'm close to dying
Rita Ritaki , you're afraid of no one
Rita Ritaki, you remember nothing
Rita Ritaki, where are you sleeping tonight
You had told me many times that you didn't love me
I'm sorry, I didn't realise that you meant it
So, I'm saying goodbye and leaving without any words
With my head held high and my soul down at my feet
Rita Ritaki, you're afraid of no one
Rita Ritaki, you remember nothing
Rita Ritaki, where are you sleeping tonight
I want you, yes, I want you
Стаза за бег
Као птица у заробљеништву
Затворила сам се између белих зидова
Када бих само знала
да обележим стазу којом ћу побећи.
Од молитве утонем
у свој дивљи сан
Буди мој краљ
И утоли моју жеђ пољупцем.
Тамо, друга жена
Осликава нежношћу твоје дане
Тка твоје ноћи
Мојом крвљу која кључа од љубоморе.
Од молитве утонем
у свој дивљи сан
Буди мој краљ
И утоли моју жеђ пољупцем.
Од молитве утонем
у свој дивљи сан
Буди мој краљ...
Нема уточишта у тишини
Чак ни време не може увек победити
Када бих само знала
да обележим стазу којом ћу побећи.
Од молитве утонем
у свој дивљи сан
Буди мој краљ
И утоли моју жеђ...
Буди мој краљ
И утоли моју жеђ пољупцем
Певајући на улицама
Рано ујутро,
Спавао си тихо и мирно,
Заогрнута капутом,
Нисам желела да гледам
Оставила сам све на свом месту
И кључеве
у кутију, као и увек.
Погледај ме - певам на улицама,
Сакупљајући љубави,
Избегавајући чуда и разочарања
Певајући на улици
Јер сам желела да одустанем
И да не будем више са тобом
Нисам размишљала да ли је вредно или не
А ти си тај који ће целог мог живота
бити као слани траг (тетоважа) на мојим рукама.
Ово јутро
Има укус чудне слободе,
попут смрти или благослова
јер сам те напустила.
Погледај ме - певам на улицама,
Сакупљајући љубави,
Избегавајући чуда и разочарања
Певајући на улици
И велика вода која си био за мене
Отишла је далеко и више ми се неће вратити,
А ти си тај који ће целог мог живота
бити као слани траг (тетоважа) на мојим рукама.
О, погледај ме!
Погледај ме!
И велика вода која си био за мене
Отишла је далеко и више ми се неће вратити,
А ти си тај који ће целог мог живота
бити као слани траг (тетоважа) на мојим рукама.
Уууу... Уууу...
А ја сам те напустила,
А ја сам те напустила...
Дођи да развејемо завесу магле
Дођи, стајаћемо на светлу, а не у тами
када ћемо престати да бежимо
У игре ко ће кога контролисати?
Дозвољено ти је да плачеш понекад
Када се нешто сломи у теби.
Причај ми мало о тренуцима страха
Јер је много лакше да се плашимо заједно.
И када хладни ветрови буду дували напољу
Послаћу ти врелу ватру,
Једнога дана ћеш можда престати да трчиш
Између сенки у својој души.
Дођи да развејемо завесу магле
Дођи, стајаћемо на светлу, а не у тами
када ћемо престати да бежимо
У игре ко ће кога контролисати?
Дозвољено ти је да дрхтиш понекад
Када се нешто дивно догоди у теби.
Причај ми мало о тренуцима среће
Све док нас не обасја сунце на изласку
И када хладни ветрови буду дували напољу
Послаћу ти врелу ватру,
Једнога дана ћеш можда престати да трчиш
Између сенки у својој души.
Причај ми мало о тренуцима страха
Јер је много лакше да се плашимо заједно
Једног дана, то ће се догодити
Нећемо ни приметити, а нешто ће се променити
Нешто у нама ће се смирити, нешто ће нас додирнути
И нећемо се ничега плашити.
То ће доћи као линија уцртана на твом длану
Доћи ће, из наших дубина,
Као да је одувек било ту,
И чекало да га приметимо.
То ће доћи, видећеш,
Твоје чврсто стиснуте руке ће се издужити
И срце, које у себи чува бол ће поново почети да куца у ритму
Доћи ће, природно
Да буде у миру са самим собом.
Једног дана, то ће се догодити
Нећемо ни приметити, а нешто ће се променити
Нешто у нама ће се смирити, нешто ће нас додирнути
И нећемо се ничега плашити.
То ће доћи као линија уцртана на твом длану
Доћи ће, из наших дубина,
Као да је одувек било ту,
И чекало да га приметимо.
Једног дана, то ће се догодити
Нећемо ни приметити, а нешто ће се променити
Нешто у нама ће се смирити, нешто ће нас додирнути
И нећемо се ничега плашити.
То ће доћи, знаш,
Нећемо се више потресати због сваке мале ствари
нећемо залупити више једно другом врата,
Јер оно што ће се пред нама отворити
Чека на нас
Бистра вода
Глечери су се претворили у бистру воду,
Сапрала је моје тело и оно сада блиста,
Сузе, сузе, падају до мојих стопала,
Све моје ране су зацелиле.
Распршили су се глечери бола,
Болне успомене су се претвориле у моје срце
Све речи, сви тешки тренуци
Сада се мрве пред светлошћу.
Бол се претворио у чисту радост,
Од слабости у снагу благослова,
Од усамљености до чудесне капије
Моје сломљено срце је угледало велику светлост,
Сада могу да загрлим и могу да кажем
Да сам се вратила самој себи
И да сам самој себи довољна.
Овога пута
Овога пута ће јако заболети
Када се за тобом затворе врата
Све је и даље исто
И све је другачије без тебе
Данас, исти дан је и данас
Ја размишљам само о теби
Остала сам на истом месту
На којем сам била и пре тебе
О... учимо како да побегнемо
и да не опростимо олако
О... дај ми снаге
да никада не заборавим.
Овога пута ће јако заболети,
Без икаквог упозорења, тај дан је стигао,
Све је тако мирно,
Све је безбојно (и без радости) у кући без тебе
Лице, исто лице
Осећам се ближе теби
Нисам више она иста
Која сам била пре тебе
О... учимо како да побегнемо
и да не опростимо олако
О... дај ми снаге
да никада не заборавим.
Овога пута ће јако заболети,
Када се за тобом затворе врата,
Све је и даље исто
Али је мени тешко без тебе
The Kids Are Doing Well
I keep up with my time, concentrated like a boxer
It will be the weight of my karma or my fortune
With a guitar and a bouquet of distorted flowers in my hand
To make peace with the world of confines and passports
Of ghosts on boats, and of boats without a port
As a commander who agrees to the dirty game wants,
Where we all walk with our heads folded by now,
And our fingers on a screen that fills our days
But it doesn't work for me
To pick up my years from the dust
I want a dream to dream and I want to laugh
It doesn't work for me
I don't have time to shine, I want to explode
For life is a poetry of unique stories
And then finding yourself here again, always more confused and alone
As long as by now there is no more time to be cruel
And meanwhile go, go for we're going into these starry nights
With my heart held in my hand and with cuts on my skin
But the kids are in the street, the kids are doing well
They don't listen to advice and they have fire in their veins
They'll scale the mountains and they'll admire the planes
What is freedom? I believe it's no longer being afraid
Of crying tonight, of damaging the atmosphere
And to resemble those like me
It doesn't work for me
To let myself abandon, to have to get used to
To have to be happy with
The gravity above us
From a heaven that has no pity
Pieces of life that you don't want to lose
Days spent partying and others in tears
But I've seen the dawn and it gives me chills, chills
I want to know you
I want to know it all, so much I want to know
I want to know it all, just all of your things
The wharf in the twilight is a gradation of the sunrays
That space leaves me behind
With the red shoes of my heart carried by you
I went anywhere
The inside of my chest is a storm of sighs
Love is always a foreigner boat in the dreams
I don't know you, I know nothing
I don't know you, even if I'm close to you
I don't know you (I don't know you)
I want to know you (I want to know you)
A small wave breaks, the musicbox of a boat
Is the murmur of the wide sea
What are you thinking of?
Love is always a telescope inside the chest
I don't know, I know nothing
I know nothing sadly
I know nothing to the point that I'm amazed
I don't know, I found out for the first time
I want to know it all, so much I want to know
I want to know it all, without needing words
I want to know it all, so much I want to know
I want to know it all, just all of your things
I don't know you (I don't know you)
I want to know you (I want to know you)
I don't know you, I want to know you
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Nešto novo
Ooh, ooh
Vidi, nije da ti ne verujem
Samo želim da znam
Sva mesta na koja ideš
Sve tvoje poznanike
Sve što radiš
Svaki tvoj korak
Ne pokušavam da glumim žrtvu
Ali podozriva sam
Kažeš da si sam
Ali preko telefona čujem
Nekoga u pozadini
Šta ta radi, šta te pita?
Šta ćeš da radiš kada padne mrak?
Koga ćeš voleti kada nisam tu?
Ako nađeš nešto novo
Hoćeš li odbaciti staro?
Ako nađeš nešto novo
Hoćeš li odbaciti staro?
Ako nađeš nešto novo
Vidi, nije da sam psihopata
Oboje znamo da nisam ja kriva
Ti si taj
Koji se provodio
A ja sam dirinčila
Radila sam prekovremeno, da
Ne pokušavam da glumim žrtvu
Ali podozriva sam
Kažeš da si sam
Ali preko telefona čujem
Nekoga u pozadini
Šta ta radi, šta te pita?
Šta ćeš da radiš kada padne mrak?
Koga ćeš voleti kada nisam tu?
Ako nađeš nešto novo
Hoćeš li odbaciti staro?
Ako nađeš nešto novo
Hoćeš li odbaciti staro?
Ako nađeš nešto novo
Sada, sada
Ako nađeš nešto novo
Sada, sada
Ako nađeš nešto novo (ako nađeš)
Šta ćeš da radiš kada padne mrak?
Koga ćeš voleti kada nisam tu?
Ako nađeš nešto novo
Hoćeš li odbaciti staro?
Ako nađeš nešto novo
Hoćeš li odbaciti staro?
Ako nađeš nešto novo
Sada, sada
Ako nađeš nešto novo
Sada, sada
Ako nađeš nešto novo
zelim samo tebe
Ne zelim jos jednu noc pokusavanja
da nadjem jos jednog tebe, jos jednog ludog pasivca
Ne zelim da nosim jos jednu mini suknju
da impresioniram potencijalni problem
Ne zelim da provedem noc u necijem stanu
da popunim prostor gde si ti nekad hodao
ne zelim jos jedan broj u mom telefonu
nekog da me drzi u tri ujutru
Ja ne zelim nekoga kao ti
Ja zelim samo tebe, ja zelim samo tebe, da
Ne zelim nekog potpuno novog
Ja zelim samo tebe, ja zelim samo tebe, da
Predpostavljam da sam morala da odem, da odem da
samo da te trebam, samo da te trebam oh
Ja ne zelim nekoga kao ti
Ja zelim samo tebe, ja zelim samo tebe, da
Ja sam ta koja je otisla i unistila sve
I naterala te da mislis da je sve bilo tvoja krivica
I ja znam da je 'izvini' samo rec
ali kada boli, nije tako lako
ali znam da ako bi me pogledao u oci
ja ne mogu poreci da smo mi nesto drugacije
I znam da verovatno samo trazim tvoj poljubac
na necijim usnama samo da shvatim da mi nedostajes da
Ja ne zelim nekoga kao ti
Ja zelim samo tebe, ja zelim samo tebe, da
Ne zelim nekog potpuno novog
Ja zelim samo tebe, ja zelim samo tebe, da
Predpostavljam da sam morala da odem, da odem da
samo da te trebam, samo da te trebam oh
Ja ne zelim nekoga kao ti
Ja zelim samo tebe, ja zelim samo tebe, da
Ne zelim jos jednu noc pokusavanja
da nadjem jos jednog tebe, jos jednog ludog pasivca
Ne zelim da nosim jos jednu mini suknju
da impresioniram potencijalni problem
Ja ne zelim nekoga kao ti
Ja zelim samo tebe, ja zelim samo tebe, da
Ne zelim nekog potpuno novog
Ja zelim samo tebe, ja zelim samo tebe, da
Predpostavljam da sam morala da odem, da odem da
samo da te trebam, samo da te trebam oh
Ja ne zelim nekoga kao ti
Ja zelim samo tebe, ja zelim samo tebe, da
A whole night
A whole night to think of you,
a whole night to dream of you.
Run into my dreams as quickly as you can
a night here in front of us.
I close my eyes and in the dark I see you
in love, smiling beside me
and holding my hands as tight as you can.
A night here in front of us.
In a dream I'll tell you meaningless things
and in your arms, my love, I'll dance.
It's a timeless night, if you want,
it's a night, my love, for us alone.
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
Dancing at the club cafe
With a piercing gaze
The guys winking
But you only give me a shy smile
With a stylish step, I'm going to make you crazy
Just for you and you alone
With a cheap temptation
Approach me without a tuxedo
An impatient emotion
Bargaining only with you
Dodge your jealousy,By drinking your cocktail
This is your last chance
Close my eyes and kiss me,Take my breath away, kill me
In a pantomime, please come to me
There's a secret in my moist eyes
I can't take off my sunglasses
Like a spinning roulette
I can't stop dancing
Close my eyes and kiss me,Take my breath away, kill me
In a pantomime, please come to me
Without hesitation, take me away from here
Do not test me, any longer
More than moral, it's real
The chance on you
Cool comes usual
With boldness Keep dancing...
Bilo je mnogo suza koje sam morala da isplacem
Mnoge bitke ostavile su me pohabanu i u modricama
I bila sam ostecena sa srcem razbijenim na dva dela
Bila sam slomljena, bila sam slomljena
Mnogo puta sam se saplitala i rusila
Bila na ivici, na putu ka poslednjoj sansi
Toliko puta sam bila ubedjena da sam gotova, da sam gotova
Ali morala sam da padnem, da
Da bih se uzdigla iznad svega toga
Zahvalna sam na oluji
Ucinila je da cenim Sunce
Zahvalna sam na pogresnima
Ucinili su da cenim one prave
Zahvalna sam na bolu
Na svemu sto me je slomilo
Zahvalna sam na svim mojim oziljcima
Jer su ucinili da moje srce bude
Zahvalno, zahvalno, zahvalno, zahvalno, zahvalno
Tonula sam, davila sam se u sumnji
Tezina mog bola me je potapala
Sabrala sam se i izvukla se
Naucila sam lekciju, naucila lekciju
Da postoji mnogo toga kroz sta moras proci, pakleno da
Ali to me je ucinilo jakom, ne zalim
I dobila sam samo ljubav, bez gorcine
Brojim svoje blagoslove, brojim svoje blagoslove, da
Ponosna sam na svaku suzu, jer one su me dovele ovde
Zahvalna sam na oluji
Ucinila je da cenim Sunce
Zahvalna sam na pogresnima
Ucinili su da cenim one prave
Zahvalna sam na bolu
Na svemu sto me je slomilo
Zahvalna sam na svim mojim oziljcima
Jer su ucinili da moje srce bude
Zahvalno, zahvalno, zahvalno, zahvalno, zahvalno
Nista ne bih promenila
Ni jednu jedinu gresku koju sam napravila
Izgubila sam se, pronasla sam se, pronasla sam svoj put
Zahvalna sam na oluji
Ucinila je da cenim Sunce
Zahvalna sam na pogresnima
Ucinili su da cenim one prave
Zahvalna sam na bolu
Na svemu sto me je slomilo
Zahvalna sam na svim mojim oziljcima
Jer su ucinili da moje srce bude
Zahvalno, zahvalno, zahvalno, zahvalno, zahvalno
Znas da sam zahvalna
Znas da mi je stalo
Nema vremena za pogresne
Uvek cu biti tu
Zahvalna, zahvalna
Ja sam zahvalna
Zahvalna, zahvalna
Oh , da oh ja sam
Zahvalna da
The Sampa Girls
The Sampa girls are as white as could be
No wonder!
Their beach is the Ibirapuera
The Sampa girls want money and a nice guy
A powerful one!
An American way of live
The Sampa girls are so modern, eternal effettes!
But to have some samba, they must be born in Rio
Some Sampa girls are discreet, positive
In the raves she is very very crazy
I really like the Sampa girls!
I really like the Sampa girls!
I really like the Sampa girls!
I really like the Sampa girls!
The Sampa girls are in style, we talk about them, they all rock
They're under the spotlight
The 'Made in New York' actually comes from Paraguay
The Sampa girls say 'baloney', 'eggplant'
Their Bixiga accent, like dolls, a hundred percent
The Sampa girls only know Bahia on pictures
Such nature!
Every girl from Bahia has an easy, tranquil life
The Sampa girls work hard at the bank
(Hold you hands up high!)
Give or leave or get off the asphault!
I really like the Sampa girls!
I really like the Sampa girls!
I really like the Sampa girls!
I really like the Sampa girls!
The Sampa girls
The Sampa girls
The Sampa girls
The Sampa girls
I really like the Sampa girls!
The Sampa girls
The Sampa girls
The Sampa girls
The Sampa girls
I really like the Sampa girls!
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
Your Girl
Who told you not to listen to your friend?
Turns out he was right
You didn't want to be with me
Now I don't want it anymore
See, darling
Your friend
Told me that some girl
Out of nothing, all of a sudden, showed up
In the end, it was me who did well
Life is like this
On the edge of a cliff
I was there
Wanting not to jump
When it came to the crunch, an angel came
Kissed me and said he loved me
Goodbye to you!
Goodbye to you!
Goodbye to you!
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye!
Your friend is a nice guy
And he's always been into me
As for you, don't you think
That you rock on bed
You're known for being so so
You don't know it
You're not evil
But your friend is way cooler
And don't forget than now it's me
Who is dating one of your friends
Life is like this
In the end it all makes sense
So, see you later
Don't mind looking back
I found someone who loves me
Be in peace with your girl
Goodbye to you!
Goodbye to you!
Goodbye to you!
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye!
Life is like this
In the end it all makes sense
So, see you later
Don't mind looking back
I found someone who loves me
Be in peace with your girl
Goodbye to you!
So, see you later
Don't mind looking back
I found someone who loves me
Be in peace with your girl
Goodbye to you!
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye!
Goodbye to you!
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye!
Goodbye to you!
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
My love you didn't deserve
Last night I called you,
Because I couldn't sleep,
And you were crying at the phone,
Crying along with my heart,
But for someone else...
(chorus x2)
My love you didn't deserve,
You deserve only tears and you got them!
But maybe that's how love is,
To love only what you can't have...
(chorus x2)
So fast you answered,
In your voice I sensed you've cried,
When you realised it's me, then
You started to cry again.
(chorus x2)
There's no attraction anymore
Maxim Fadeev:
Let’s stay free.
Let’s throw the masks and the silks at feet.
And though my actions didn’t have any logic,
I don’t know how to live another way.
Let’s start moving first,
Today I'm playing white,*
And you, go forward your own way,
Get safe in the twilight of dark rooms.
Chorus: Maxim Fadeev & SEREBRO
One hundred steps backwards, quietly on toes.
Fly, my soul, don’t stay here.
One hundred steps backwards.
There’s no attraction anymore.
One hundred steps backwards, quietly on toes.
Fly, my soul, don’t stay here.
One hundred steps backwards.
There’s no attraction anymore.
Backwards, from holidays to Tuesdays.
Backwards, from the finish to the baselines.
Maxim Fadeev:
And though my actions didn’t have any logic,
I don’t know how to live another way.
Chorus: Maxim Fadeev & SEREBRO
One hundred steps backwards, quietly on toes.
Fly, my soul, don’t stay here.
One hundred steps backwards.
There’s no attraction anymore.
One hundred steps backwards, quietly on toes.
Fly, my soul, don’t stay here.
One hundred steps backwards.
There’s no attraction anymore.
There's No One Like You
There's no one like you
You're the only one in the whole world
In your intense eyes I see
Such sadness
There's no one like you
So timid and alone
If you're ever afraid of the world,
Stay close to me.
Love, won't you tell me
Whatever I could do for you?
Share all your thoughts with me--
I want to help you, my love
There's no one like you,
And that's why I love you
And I'm going to start tiptoeing
Into your hidden dreams
There's no one like you
So timid and alone
If you're ever afraid of the world,
Stay close to me.
Love, won't you tell me
Whatever I could do for you?
Share all your thoughts with me--
I want to help you out, my love
There's no one like you,
And that's why I love you
And I'm going to start tiptoeing
Into your hidden dreams
There's no one like you
No one...no one
Happy to take requests for Japanese music in particular :)
Face of an angel
I don't know how to tell you
I don't know how to out this suffering into words
Only God knows how I feel
My worls is falling over
My sand heart
Now is waitin
That God sends you my way
Tell me how to accept
That you're no longer here
The face of my angel
Flyin' up high
Innocence, in a world filled with violence
Passin' over consequences
And patience isn't a scapegoat for stupidity
Where is at the intelligence left?
I lost my focus
I took off my tinted shades, everything lies colorless
Your aroma remains when I open your room's door
Goodbye, my angel, the skies are qaitin for you
God I ask you, forgive em
But them, they don't know what they're doing
I swear they're gonna pay everything they did to me
R.I.P. my love, give me strenght not to destroy myself
Tell me how to accept
That you're no longer here
The face of my angel
Flyin' up high
There's no more tears left to cry
And I can't get you out of my mind
I look at the sky and your face's an image
which pictures itself while I keep on reminiscing you
I beg you for peace my Lord here on Earth along with the up in Heaven
I know we live in a hellhole
And that someday we're gonna meet in the afterlife
I don't know how to tell you
I don't know how to out this suffering into words
Only God knows how I feel
My world's falling down
My sand heart
Now is waitin
That God sends you my way
Tell me how to accept
That you're no longer here
The face of my angel
Flyin' up high
amazarashi - Rita リタ
Versions: #3
amazarashi - Rita リタ
If you're gonna leave, that's fine, 'cause I'll just return all the things you gave me.
The wristwatch, the CDs, the train fare: everything. Except for you kindness, that is.
Walking alone at night along the train tracks, but there are two shadowns in the lamplight.
It's your ghost. And I'm glad that you're really here with me.
But the lamps cut out, and I'm left alone.
I thought things wouldn't change, but there was no way that could be true.
But you made me believe that.
You're just like a con-artist or a magician, aren't you, Rita?
I don't cry over people who haven't left. I don't cry over things that aren't broken.
''I'm fine on my own.'' I can say that, if I lie. Since it's just words, I can say it.
In my apartment, there's nothing but a silent refrigerator and laughter from the TV.
It'd be nice if I could see feelings with my own eyes.
Actually no, I don't want that. They're too harsh.
You want to live for other people, and I want to live for myself.
And when two gears don't line up, they turn with a grating noise.
It was like that - our laughter.
Choosing one thing means getting rid of something else.
That's fine.
I'll just go quietly into the trash bin and see you off, right Rita?
You don't cry for yourself. Even when it hurts, you don't cry.
But then why you cry? Why did you cry before I did?
Only paying attention to myself, absolutely never paying attention to others - when I don't choose my words carefully, it's inevitable that I'll hurt someone.
Only paying attention to the past, absolutely never paying attention to the present - when I look backwards as I walk, it's inevitable that I'll trip over.
I don't cry over people who are atill here. And since I plan on understanding that, I'm not going to live for myself anymore. I want to try to smile for someone else.
The same way you do.
I don't cry over the past I've forgotten.
I don't cry over time that hasn't passed.
I laughed with you. The seasons ended. And time went on. That's all.
Master and Margarita
Versions: #2
God gave us love, like wings for our back
Margarita lost her mind due to the Master
But people's envy wanted to steal her
But part of her stayed in the heart of the Master
My ship is on fire, my ship is in distress
And the “storm petrel” brought a letter with bad news
That we will never ever meet again
No seashore, no bottom, only the stairs to heaven
Days and nights in loneliness, it’s like a thousands years
I plead to you , I am in pain , I am begging, God, turn off the lights
I covered every centimeter of these walls with my blood
But this foolishness is not of concern (or business ) to you
Thousands of pages about you I melted in the fireplace
My heart is a stone but, alas, it is bleeding granite
I am your mistake, you can't fix it, it’s easier to eliminate me
Forget about me on our deserted island
I am freezing , like in the winter, inside I’m in anguish
There is heat and swelter, but It is freezing me and it gives me the chills
It’s incomprehensible as to why our destinies are connected
I love you despite everything
God gave us love, like wings for our back
Margarita lost her mind due to the Master
But people's envy wanted to steal her
But part of her stayed in the heart of the Master
And nobody will stop us, nobody will bring us together ( or reconcile us )
And my way to you is an impassable labyrinth
I am carrying towards you my sick heart ,
do you hear me? you can take it
I’m waiting for your call. Do you hear me? Call me
We turn our backs away from each other and sleep like this -
there is a bottomless abyss between our backs.
There are Fumes in my lungs, there is alcohol in my veins
There is something “unoriginal” or fake in my notes , there is loneliness in my songs
[I will write about how my heart bleeds.
I will make you laugh with the corniness of my hastily put together rhymes.
I am a drunken clown who never joked.
You will ask me to leave, but I have been on the road for a long time.
The world without you, means that I am here accidentally (by chance
In a muted black and white film of MR Charlie Chaplin
And my heart is burning low in fire
But I made this fire to warm you up
God gave us love, like wings for our back
Margarita lost her mind due to the Master
But people's envy wanted to steal her
But part of her stayed in the heart of the Master
My little vine
A little vine that I have
nobody will come to covet (it).
It already has a little bunch,
it gives me a sweet little grape.
I domn't compare it with anything,
it's a special little grape,
I sweetens me when I eat,
sure there is no other like it!
For no gold in the world
if they want to buy it from me,
I don't sell it nor change it,
my sweet, special little grape.
No pepitero comes
to peck my little grape,
I have my sling ready
without further ado I'll slingshoot it.
Those who look at her admire her
they call her 'moscatel',
I don't know what it may be for...
as sweet as honey.
I have more fruit plants
and this one to mature
none like my little grape,
it can not be compared.
Keep the little plants
it just depends on caring,
all the care for them
more than to take care to adore!
They (the plants) always their nobility
give to us, they make us see,
pure nature
we must recognize.
Faithful woman
and the little plants
how noble they are,
they live to protect usl
of course, for life and for God!
When you remember, my love,
sad it shall be for you,
my shadows you will miss
and then you shall cry for me.
They say that you have cried
for a love that knew used to love you.
I also lost a love that
I loved for real, but I don't know how to cry.
When I'm absent from here
A lot you shall feel.
My heart is saying
'My return when will it be?'
Do not cry girl
if I shall come back.
Take a dance oh soldier
Because we have a wedding and not a joke
Because we have friends today in the eating place (the huge table that's used for eating during the celebrations)
Because we have relatives and friends (x2)
So cry gypsy
A melody for the unlucky ones
A melody with clarinets
A melody like you know it (x2)
Aman rakı made me drunk
The sweet music abducted me
Because the poor fortune is gone
For the best melody
So cry gypsy
A melody for the unlucky ones
A melody with clarinets
A melody like you know it (x2)
Beating heart
Heart beat to see me come
So I open my cord when you pass
And our carival group go up the hill of illusion
With the feet on the ground...
Heart beat because we are carnival!
And nothing will stop this revelry
After our love
Till when this samba plays
Come marking in our chest
Beating heart
So we can be happy
So we can parade on this life
Habit of you
Versions: #2
Habit of You
Darling, you make my mouth water
Putting on costumes, taking our clothes off
Wet with sweat of how much we kiss
of all the crazy things we imagine
We make love by telepathy
On the ground, in the sea on the moon
In the melody
Habit of you, of how much we kiss
of all the crazy things we imagine
Nothing better than doing nothing
Just to lay down and roll with you
Nothing better than doing nothing
Just to lay down and roll with you
Darling, you make my mouth water
Putting on costumes, taking our clothes off
Wet with sweat of how much we kiss
of all the crazy things we imagine
We make love by telepathy
On the ground, in the sea on the moon
In the melody
Habit of you, of how much we kiss
of all the crazy things we imagine
Nothing better than doing nothing
Just to lay down and roll with you
Nothing better than doing nothing
Just to lay down and roll with you
Darling, you make my mouth water
Roll roll roll roll with you
Roll roll roll roll with you
Alligator Rita
How well does Alligator Rita dance!
The Alligator!
has two things
Which Havana does not have
A very beautiful history
And one Rita the Alligator
How well does Alligator Rita dance!
The Alligator!
Everyone who comes to Bayamo,
A true national monument,
Looks for Alligator Rita
Just to get to see her dance
How well does Alligator Rita dance!
The Alligator!
Rita... I don't know what she has
With all her movements
She looks like a dry frog
That gets swept away by the wind
How well does Alligator Rita dance!
The Alligator!
The day that battered Bayamo
And it came from Rita
How well does Alligator Rita dance!
The Alligator!
Rita mounted an ox,
And almost on the verge of drowning,
But since she can be depended upon
On its back she went on dancing
How well does Alligator Rita dance!
The Alligator!
The day when Rita got lost
I was lost myself, too
Rita is a French fry
Who can dance in any café
How well does Alligator Rita dance!
The Alligator!
How well does Alligator Rita dance!
The Alligator...
Hear, Rita dances, the Alligator
In the park Alligator Rita
How well does Alligator Rita dance
Upon the blue stage box
How well does Alligator Rita dance
Hear, look, hear
How she sings
How she dances
Hey, look
Alligator Rita
How well does Rita 'the Alligator' dance,
the Alligator
I Like Everything (I Don't Like Anything Any More)
It's streaming live
Around the world on screen
I still don't even know where I'm headed today
Let alone tomorrow
Forward and back
Here you travel by boomerang
Maxed out battery
For now, everything's great
I like everything
I don't like anything any more
I switch filters
Life is out of focus
I zoom in here
An emoji goes out there
I never get tired
Traveling the world from my couch
I'm going to delete my profile
It can't just be about sharing
I've already got more than a thousand followers
I already scroll through mindlessly
I'll peek one more time
Just to quench my thirst
I control everything from here
Don't go offline
I like everything
I don't like anything any more
I switch filters
Life is out of focus
I zoom in here
An emoji goes out there
I never get tired
Traveling the world from my couch
But when I go to sleep at night
I dream about me sending you my location
And you coming to experience me live and in color
And taking my hand
Dozvolim da me voliš
Trebala sam ostati sa tobom sinoć
Umesto izlaska da nađem nevolju
To je samo nevolja (da)
Mislim da pobegnem ponekad
Kad god postanem previše ranjiva
To nije tvoja krivica (da)
Vidiš, hoću da ostanem celu noć
Želim da ležim sa tobom do izlaska sunca
Želim da te pustim unutra
Oh, nebo zna da sam pokušala
Volela bih da mogu da ti dozvolim da voliš
Volela bih da mogu da ti dozvolim da me voliš
Volela bih da mogu da ti dozvolim da voliš
Volela bih da mogu da ti dozvolim da me voliš
Reci šta nije u redu, šta nije u redu sa mnom?
Šta nije u redu sa mnom?
Oh, volela bih da mogu da ti dozvolim da voliš
Volela bih da mogu da ti dozvolim da me voliš sada
Volela bih, volela bih, volela bih, volela bih, ja
Volela bih, volela bih, volela bih, volela bih, ja
I svaki put kada postane previše ozbiljno
I svaki put kada osetim da želim da sabotiram
Počnem da bežim (opet)
I svaki put kada odgurnem
Zaista želim da kažem da mi je žao (da)
Ali ne kažem ništa (da)
Vidiš, hoću da ostanem celu noć
Želim da ležim sa tobom do izlaska sunca
Želim da te pustim unutra
Oh, nebo zna da sam pokušala
Volela bih da mogu da ti dozvolim da voliš
Volela bih da mogu da ti dozvolim da me voliš
Volela bih da mogu da ti dozvolim da voliš
Volela bih da mogu da ti dozvolim da me voliš
Reci šta nije u redu, šta nije u redu sa mnom?
Šta nije u redu sa mnom?
Oh, volela bih da mogu da ti dozvolim da voliš
Volela bih da mogu da ti dozvolim da me voliš sada
Volela bih, volela bih, volela bih, volela bih, ja
Volela bih, volela bih, volela bih, volela bih, ja
(Želim) da ostanem sa tobom do jutra
(Želim) da ležim sa tobom dok sviće
(Želim) da ti pokažem da si mi jedini
(Želim da ležim sa tobom do izlaska sunca)
(Želim) da ostanem sa tobom do jutra
(Želim) da ležim sa tobom dok sviće, dok sviće
Oh, nebi zna da sam pokušala
Volela bih da mogu da ti dozvolim da voliš
Volela bih da mogu da ti dozvolim da me voliš
Volela bih da mogu da ti dozvolim da voliš
Volela bih da mogu da ti dozvolim da me voliš
Reci šta nije u redu, šta nije u redu sa mnom?
Šta nije u redu sa mnom?
Oh, volela bih da mogu da ti dozvolim da voliš
Oh, volela bih da mogu da ti dozvolim da me voliš
Reci šta nije u redu, šta nije u redu sa mnom?
Šta nije u redu sa mnom?
Oh, volela bih da mogu da ti dozvolim da voliš
Volela bih da mogu da ti dozvolim da me voliš sada
Volela bih, volela bih, volela bih, volela bih, ja
Volela bih, volela bih, volela bih, volela bih, ja
Hold me
Do you like my things? You don't say anything
But like if I sense your feelings
I want to believe that I have a hunch
Say that you won't mind to have a lover
I want you to understand my feelings
Won't you notice if you come by my side?
Hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me fast
Hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me strong
Hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me you
Hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me I like you
Memories aren't distant. Getting serious scares me
We'll go on in the eternity
Don't hesitate. Stay still by my side
Hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me fast
Hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me strong
Hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me you
Hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me I like you
If you don't snatch away, we'll melt. I like you more than anyone
Hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me fast
Hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me strong
Hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me you
Hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me I like you
Hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me
Hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me
Hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me fast
Hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me
Hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me
Hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me strong
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
The poser
I'm not a miss. I'm an ordinary poser!
That's why I don't take things too seriously. Don't worry
I'm not a miss. I'm an ordinary poser!
Youth is beautiful. An ordinary love is boring!
'That man won't come here anymore'
You say with a sweet voice
But nobody at all is good for me
I don't need your comfort
That I get dumped
Worries you so much
Don't get bad with him
I understand that my love ended
But I'm like that too
I don't need your comfort
Everybody misunderstands me
You're bold, you're sincere
In those cases I have no interest
I'm not a miss. I'm an ordinary poser!
That's why I don't take things too seriously. Don't worry
I'm not a miss. I'm an ordinary poser!
Youth is beautiful. An ordinary love is boring
I'm not a miss. I'm an ordinary poser!
Youth is beautiful. An ordinary love is boring!
I'm not a miss. I'm an ordinary poser!
That's why I don't take things too seriously. Don't worry
I'm not a miss. I'm an ordinary poser!
Youth is beautiful. An ordinary love is boring!
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.