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Nebo slonovačinih boja

Mi smo ponosni individualci
Živimo zarad grada
Ali plameni
Ne mogu goreti više
Otkrivamo Boga i religije
Koji nas namame sapasenjem
Ali, niko, niko
Ne može da ti podari moć
Da se izdigneš
Iznad ljubavi
Iznad mržnje
Kroz ovo nebo slonovačinih boja koje brzo zaokupira naše misli
Straha i pretvori ih u slobodu
Oh, to je život
Što kaplje niz zidove
Sna koji ne uspeva da diše
U ovoj opakoj stvarnosti
Masnovna zbunjenost
Zaslepljene raje što jede iz male kašičice
Koja služi sada definiciji našeg hladnog društva
Od koje ćemo se izdići
Iznad ljubavi
Iznad mržnje
Kroz ovo nebo slonovačinih boja koje brzo zaokupira naše misli
Straha i pretvori ih u slobodu
Samo moraš da izdržiš
Samo moraš da izdržiš
(Čarli Čaplijev govor iz Velikog Diktatora)
'Onima koji me čuju, kažem-ne očajavajte. Mizerija koja nas je trenutno snašla je ništa više od prolazne pohlepe-ogorčenost onih ljudi koji se plaše ljudskog napretka. Mržnja ljudi će proći, a diktatori će umreti, i moć koju su uzeli od ljudi će se vratiti ljudima. I sve dok ludi umiru, sloboda nikada neće iščeznuti... Ne dajte se ovim neprirodnim ljudskim stvorenjima - mašinski ljudi sa mašinskim umovima i mašinskim srcima! Vi niste mašine! Vi niste stoka! .... Vi ste ljudi! Vi, narod, imate moć da učinite ovaj život slobodnim i prelepim, da napravite od ovog života jednu predivnu avanturu..... hajde da iskoristimo tu moć - hajde da se svi ujedinimo.'
I izdićićemo se
Iznad ljubavi
Iznad mržnje
Kroz ovo nebo slonovačinih boja koje brzo zaokupira naše misli
Straha i pretvori ih u slobodu
Od koje ćemo se izdići
Iznad ljubavi
Iznad mržnje
Kroz ovo nebo slonovačinih boja koje brzo zaokupira naše misli
Straha i pretvori ih u slobodu
Oh, padaj po meni...
Padaj po meni
Padaj po meni
*Rain on me
Znači izneti nekom sve svoje emotivne probleme

A Fair Chance

Tears, my thoughts are racing
I'm sitting here all alone
Only memories left
We loved so
And yet everything seemed to go wrong
Though we tried to fight on, both of us
What happens in one's love life
Is easily affected by everything around you
So did we get a fair chance?
Everyday, it's no glamour
You fight to keep on
When the weariness grow
It's not easy
Always saving money
Fighting about what is who's
It feels awful
What happens in one's love life
Is easily affected by everything around you
So did we get a fair chance?
The will to live with eachother
But life give everyone such different opportunities
Memories, it's all I got
I'm sitting here all alone
Only emptiness left
We loved so
And yet everything seemed to go wrong
Though we tried to fight on, both of us
What happens in one's love life
Is easily affected by everything around you
So did we get a fair chance?

A Helpful Person

Some people want to be veterinarians
Some people want to be king
Some people want to be happily in love
Some people want to stay young
But if you ask me,
What I'll be when I become a woman
I'll have so much to tell you
That I don't know if I'll have time
I want to be a helpful person
Who understands all the youth
I want to go around, around our earth
And make them kings
I will never forget what it was like to be little
You feel so alone, broken and worn out
I'll always be a kid and think just like them
I will always love them from the bottom of my heart
And if someone asked me,
When I became a woman
I'll have so much to give
That I don't know if I'll have time
I want to be a helpful person
Who understands all the youth
I want to go around, around our earth
And make them kings
I will never forget what it was like to be little
You feel so alone, broken and worn out
I promise I'll be, I'll be fine
Because if you'd ask me now....
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan

Proofreading and corrections are encouraged// Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar

I Have Me

If at the end
Who says what's okay and what's wrong
Why we came all to end up
Here and for how long
Today can start another day
Or the darkness can end
If i choose to be my friend and accept
I am all I have
I have me
I need nothing to be happy
No one to tell me where to go
I choose my path and I do what I want
And I am like this
Thanks to my mistakes I have become
I can live without fear even if they talk about me
My life is only mine and I do what I want
I have me
I start again
Because I don't listen to what hurts me
If I have a dream, I'm gonna make it
I trust in what I feel
They won't be able to stop me
I don't want a happiness mold
My body is mine and no one else's
I don't need an owner
I have me
I don't need nothing to be happy
No one to tell me where to go
I choose my path and I do what I want
And I am like this
Thanks to my mistakes I have become
I can live without fear even though they talk about me
My life is only mine and I do what I want
I have me
I don't need nothing to be happy
No one to tell me where to go
I choose my path and I do what I want (what I want)
I am what I want
I am what I want to
I am what I want
I am what I want to
I am what I want
I am what I want to
I am what I want
I have me
By Abbey Everdeen

Front Line

On television, this war will not be illuminated,
Although even gunpowder draws from the windows of buildings,
We just did not say that in the forty-fifth
The flag over the Reichstag became a red rag for the bull.
Today we are rags, and the golden calf is hooves
Backing up squeezes juice with loans.
We splash bile, humorous bitch
Request him for the prices to be lowered.
And we could consume and spend
Buying in debt as long as you have enough money to rent,
To show everything we do not have
That we are not the ones who are the ones we do not know
We are conquered from within, not from outside
Without the help of the weapon is much worse
And the nuclear charge is not needed in my country
It was looted, trampled, disassembled
Change morals, propagandize, lie
And here they look, broken from the inside,
They are blinded by shop windows, stoned
And if they are not killed, they are definitely wounded.
Who made it right that we shame and shame
What are our ideals are pinned to
And the ES Latin is crossed twice
Makes this world more choke
From time immemorial, people squeaked because of the good
Sincere, loving to destroy yourself
Shot forced time to run fast
Having built the pyramids from slave truths
The third eye is already among us, be vigilant
Do not miss the age of a person, do not be a spectator
Remember, worse bombs are propaganda
Take your brains, do not forget about the main thing.
One strip, a strip on the CD a year later
It is easy to throw a loved one when it is not before
Two strips on the test - it's a fly
In the ninth grade, this is an abortion
Three strips on the wrist is a scream for help
It will help, no, such as you do
Strips merge into one line
Bold, deep, long
The front line inside my country
Inside my city, inside such as you
Which side will I choose?
Or maybe I have a line
Vector from point A to point B
Transfer thoughts from me to you.
The time on the timer is twenty-five seventeen
The electorate's heads are supposed to blow up.
From time immemorial, people squeaked because of the good
Sincere, loving to destroy yourself
Shot forced time to run fast
Having built the pyramids from slave truths
The third eye is already among us, be vigilant
Do not miss the age of a person, do not be a spectator
Remember, worse bombs are propaganda
Take your brains, do not forget about the main thing.

RADWIMPS - Yuushinron 有心論

RADWIMPS - Yuushinron
All the lies I've told up until now, all the truths I've said up until now, it's become unclear which outweighs the other, so I've stopped looking.
The parts of me which I hate, the parts of me which I like, I already know which outweighs the other, and it makes me sad.
No matter what, if I'm hated someday, or detested by a person I love, before that happens, from my point of view, I'll be the one to hate them first.
Homever, if someday I should long for someone, and wish to be loved, before that happens, I'll be the one to say, ''Let's try and fall in love''.
You cry in such a beautiful way, that without thinking I smiled off to the side.
When I did that, it made you smile too, so I happily cried, and cried.
You turn those who distrust others and curse the future, into those who trust in humanity, and who dream of tomorrow: the ''me'' that was searching for yesterday just ins't here anymore.
You're a bit like a human dishwashing machine: ''At this time, I'd like for every household to make room for one. Since after this, there's no way you won't want to buy one, and that's no lie. Allow me to demonstrate its astonishing efficacy: you can say hello to a brand new you! However, it can be toxic, so please obey the recommended directions and dosage.''
Let's write these cathphrases down. Even when your clones finally become a smash hit, you'll still be the world's first love that can be seen with the naked eye, the only goddess that can be seen on Earth.
So that nobody would cry alone at the edges, you made the world a sphere, didn't you?
That's why if I can't meet with you, I'll look for a corner and weep, and weep.
So that everyone would make the most of their life, you gave it an ending.
That's why those times when you're not here, I just hold my breath and wait.
When I did that, you would always come by for me, but now you're not here any more.
Those who believed in humanity, who dreamed of tomorrow, have become tomorrow's suicide candidates, waiting for death.
The me from three minutes ago has made an appearance again.
When I hold my breath, I can feel my heart, and when I open it up, you're there.
So if you're there in my left atrium, then there ins't a single problem at all.
The people who were suicide candidates not but two seconds ago, you turned into believers of eternal bliss and prosperity.
But that you is gone, gone, gone, - but you're still there in my heart, sending this pulse through my whole body: ''Stay alive today, stay alive today, just stay the way you are right now'', sending me love from my white blood cells, red blood cells, and all over the place.e

Drugačiji svet

Ti me vodiš
Pokazujući mi put
osećam se malo izgubljeno
malo čudno danas
Mislim da ću se uhvatiti
Svega što mi se nađe na putu
Onda ćemo videti šta će biti
Kako vreme bude prolazilo
Mislio sam da sam sve sredio
Sve mi je krenulo
Šta mi je samo sve sudbina spremala
U to nema sumnje
Ali onda se karta otvorila
I ja sam odigrao još jednu rundu
Ali ne znam da li je to
ispunjenje za kojim sam čeznuo
Reci mi šta čuješ
A onda šta vidiš
Svako ima drugačiji
Na koji vidi svet
Voleo bih da znas
Kad pogledaš na male stvari
da ceniš ovaj život
Nije kasno da se nauči
Ne želim da budem ovde
Negde bih radije bio
Ali kad tamo stignem
Možda shvatim da nije za mene
Reci mi šta čuješ
A onda mi reci šta vidiš
Svi imaju drugačiji način Na koji vide svet
Voleo bih da znaš
kada vidiš male stvari
da ceniš ovaj život
nije kasno da se nauči
Ne znam šta želim
Ili gde želim biti
Sve sam više zbunjen
Kako dani više idu

The fool

You lie
The green of your eyes goes grey
The white of your skin goes ivory
Your silk heart has turned to ice
You live
Saying things you never feel
Putting together scenes where I'm the actress
Who believes, like an idiot, in your lies
Here I go again, being the fool who fits herself around your routine
Who waits for you while she cooks for you
Who gets content if she sees you
And also if she doesn't.
And without wanting to
Everything I swore I never would be again
Comes back to me and I repeat it over and over
Pieces of hope I saved up, I break again
And I
Wanting not to trust my intuition
Searching in your eyes for some bit of love
How cruel is the void in your pupils.
Is what I hear if your heart beats
Your soul protected with Teflon
Your body embraces me with thorns
And here I go again, being the fool who fits herself around your routine
Who waits for you while she cooks for you
Who gets content if she sees you
And also if she doesn't.
And without wanting to
Everything I swore I never would be again
Comes back to me and I repeat it over and over
Pieces of hope I saved up, I break again
Here I go again being the fool
Here I go again being the fool
Here I go again being the fool
And here I go again, being the fool who fits herself around your routine
Who waits for you while she cooks for you
Who gets content if she sees you
And also if she doesn't.
And without wanting to
Everything I swore I never would be again
Comes back to me and I repeat it over and over
Pieces of hope I saved up, I break again
(And here I go again)
Here I go again being the fool
Here I go again being the fool
Here I go again being the fool

Nista se ne slama kao srce

Ovaj svet te moze povrediti, posece te duboko i ostavi oziljak
Stvari se ruse, ali nista se ne slama kao srce, nista se ne slama kao srce
Stih 1:
Cula sam te preko telefona sinoc
Mi zivimo i umiremo od slatkih lazi. Oboje to znamo
Ove srebrne cigarete, ova izgorela kuca
Nista nije ostalo, dimi se, ali oboje znamo
Imamo celu noc da se zaljubimo
Ali iz cista mira mi se raspadamo, mi smo slomljeni, mi smo slomljeni
Nista, nista, nista nas nece spasiti sada
Ova prekinuta tisina, moja grmljavina u mraku
Rusenje u tami
I ova slomljena ploca, koja se vrti u krug
U klubovima, okrece se u klubovima
Ovaj svet te moze povrediti, posece te duboko i ostavi oziljak
Stvari se ruse, ali nista se ne slama kao srce, ooh
Nista se ne slama kao srce, nista se ne slama kao srce
Stih 2:
Ostavicemo jedno drugo hladne kao led
I visok i suv, pustinjski vetar duva, duva
Secas li se sta si mi rekao?
Mi smo opijeni ljubavlju u Tenesiju
I ja cu se drzati, oboje to znamo
Nista, nista, nista nas nece spasiti sada
Nista, nista, nista nas nece spasiti sada
Ova prekinuta tisina, moja grmljavina u mraku
Rusenje u tami
I ova slomljena ploca, koja se vrti u krug
U klubovima, okrece se u klubovima
Ovaj svet te moze povrediti, posece te duboko i ostavi oziljak
Stvari se ruse, ali nista se ne slama kao srce, ooh
Nista se ne slama kao srce, nista se ne slama kao srce, ooh
Nista se ne slama kao srce
Moje srce, moje srce
Moje srce, moje srce
Ova prekinuta tisina, moja grmljavina u mraku
Rusenje u tami
I ova slomljena ploca, koja se vrti u krug
U klubovima, okrece se u klubovima
Ovaj svet te moze povrediti, posece te duboko i ostavi oziljak
Stvari se ruse, ali nista se ne slama kao srce, ooh
Nista se ne slama kao srce, nista se ne slama kao srce
Nista se ne slama kao srce

A Piece of Heaven

Versions: #3
Why in His name?
We have a name, too.
When will we take responsibility for our dramas?
He's being needed far too often.
It's all indefinite, all indefinite.
What army is sacred?
You don't believe better than I do!
The Bible isn't meant for seclusion
Planet Earth is our responsibility!
It is friendly, friendly -
We're rather not.
A piece of heaven,
A seat, assigned by God,
A chair in orbit,
We're all in the same boat!
Here is your house,
Here's what counts.
You are canopied
By a magnificent world.
Religions are to be conserved,
They are made for morals.
There isn't just one noble teaching,
No god has thought wiser than the other,
Or is has an advantage, has an advantage.
What ideal justifies all means?
Who's gonna stop the fire now?
Legions of crusaders
Furiously came to a deadlock
It's all indefinite, why indefinite?
Crude time.
A piece of heaven,
A seat, assigned by God,
A chair in orbit,
We're all in the same boat!
Here is your home,
This is your goal.
You are one of a kind,
Playing your own oracle.
There is too much belief,
And too little is being told.
It's the stories
That unify this world.
Hardships, legends, destinies, life, and death,
Happy endings, desire, and comfort.
A piece of heaven,
A seat, assigned by God.
There are billions of colors,
And each one is a different type of red.
Here's your home,
This is our time.
We do many things right,
But we don't choose the easy way.
This is my house,
This is my goal.
Whoever proves nothing
Actually proves a damn lot.
There is no foe, there is no victory.
Nothing can spoil anything for anyone,
Nobody has earned his life.
There's enough for everybody,
There's lots of easy money,
We have plenty,
And we share this world,
We are obliged.
Planet Earth is friendly,
So why aren't we?
It is friendly,
So why aren't we?


Let this night meet us, discover us while we're dancing
It doesn't matter how long it's gonna last
and come to its end what I want is starting to dream again.
I've got it all because I know you're always lookin' my way
Today this party will start all over again
the fun feeling
I won't let this dream go
Uh oh
There's nothing I want, there's nothing I can achieve
Uh oh
If it isn't with you
You wait for me, you look at me today I will meet you again
every step that i take I feel you're next to me
I was afraid but now I now you're here
I don't give a damn
It's about starting again, about learning to trust again
I believe all that is possible, I can make it
If we're together I have nothing to lose
Uh oh
There's nothing I want, there's nothing I can achieve
Uh oh
If it isn't with you
Uh oh
There's nothing I want, there's nothing I can achieve
Uh oh
If it isn't with you

A mayor's word

Why do I call you, I know you're not home. I'm going outside, everybody's talking only about that you're involved in a conspiracy against the mayor. I called everybody, nobody knows where you are. I came to you, the door was opened, at least I took the copy. Please, call me right once you hear this message.
What to say? I see, someone have treaded on a rake
You have dissapointed me, you was tormented
The mountain is like on a hand under us, smog with smoke above it
Wine maybe? I have a pretty tolerable vineyard
The main thing, you don't get so scared, I'm not a monster
I have even browsed your published folio. Bravo, bis!
You would further write, joke, write about nature, pastorals
Okay, don't be so gloom, my eagles have overdone a bit too much
They didn't have to spoil your shirt and drag you to gallows
Why don't you, asshole, calm down? Relax, have fun, don't piss1
Those like you always see only negative, put on scales
But I worry for all the citizens, as if every one of them is my only son
I know, enemies claim that I am, allegedly, afraid of many
That I, allegedly, entwine the whole land like a cephalopod clam
Let be so, but what it will be if I go?
The neighboring cities, removed their despots, die in need. For comparison here are:
Mountain air, sport and health, resort
Casino, trading house, food courts
Welcome to Gorgorod!
A model of confortable rest
Golf, aquadrom and curling
Welcome to Gorgorod!
Handball world record
Hippodromes, cathedrals, bowling
Welcome to Gorgorod!
My people don't want reforms
And when fed again
Welcome to Gorgorod!
You have assembled only a half of the puzzle
Oil painting2, social lift like in Maslow's pyramid
The crowd is many-headed like Hydra or Cerberus
But it doesn't make the weather like a meteorological center
It, though I'm not Niccolò Machiavelli,
Revering, is allured to a block3, loop or stake,
Fear, chrism, icons, khaki, needle and shackles
You are way smarter, why the hell for you such plebeians? Eh?
The idiot under the mountain had washed your brains
'Everything is intertwined' another year, a bearded anecdote
A rogue-conspirologist. We're familiar with the Guru since
That troublesome warrior was an official, the one whose word was the law
Let's assume, enemies claim that I am, allegedly, afraid of many
Let's assume that I, allegedly, entwine the whole land like a cephalopod clam
Let's assume it is so, but what it will be if I go?
The neighboring cities, removed their despots, die in need. For comparison here is:
Mountain air, sport and health, resort
Casino, trading house, food courts
Welcome to Gorgorod!
A model of confortable rest
Golf, aquadrom and curling
Welcome to Gorgorod!
Handball world record
Hippodromes, cathedrals, bowling
Welcome to Gorgorod!
My people don't want reforms
And when fed again
Welcome to Gorgorod!
You understand, writer, you're a good guy
But you got in touch with a bad company. They, beasts, on purpose
Left you, barely feeling the small of burning
Look, there's dawn on the horizon, we even the Sun have under the legs
Keep in mind that this time you're lucky, career
Health, freedom — everything's okay
But here it is for you a mayor's word: there won't be a second chance
Shortly, take care, if once again speak with my daughter Alisa
  • 1. Colloquial and slang form of the phrase 'don't be scared'
  • 2. In Russian, a funny, ridiculous, extraordinary situation
  • 3. Executioner's block

Ponoćna gitara

Sunce, more,
Ponoćna gitara
Ja i ti
Sestra moje nade
Oh, zbog nečeg sam pešak
Privremeni pevač svanuća
Hodam, hodam uz tragove
Sledeći jednu zvezdu
Iako je suviše visoko
Znam da ću je jednog dana
Svetlo, svetlo
Polako sviće
Doći će
Okupana mesečevim suzama
Oh, umreti
Ne može se nikada umreti
To je taj muški zakon
Hodam, hodam uz tragove
Sledeći jednu zvezdu
Iako je suviše visoko
Znam da ću je jednog dana

Green Toy Soldiers

Dirt soft drumming drizzle
Children are hiding
Underneath mother coats
Small animal eyes
Looking out towards death
The tires sinking in the mud
The hearse hangs in space
Living gather behind
Wordless slip
Living gather behind
Wordless slip
Living gather behind
Wordless slip
Living gather behind
Wordless slip
Living gather behind
Wordless slip
Living gather behind
Wordless slip
Living gather behind
Wordless slip
Living gather behind
Wordless slip, slip
“Oh, da spirits be with ya now, mon.'
- Bwonsamdi

Окрутна мајко љубави

Окрутна мајко љубави,
због твоје освете моја трка пуна кривице изгубила је циљ.
Зар нећеш да зауставиш њен ток?
Ах! Бар допусти да у твојим очима Федра нађе милост.
Нећу ти више пребацивати
ако учиниш да Хиполит испуни моје жеље.
Мој жар ме ужасава, али моја кривица је твоја.
Мораш да престанеш да будеш непопустљива.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

And maybe, and maybe, and maybe...

Versions: #2
One ordinary fable,
Or maybe not a fable,
The one that’s out of order
We'd like for you to hear.
We cherish it from boyhood,
Or was it not the boyhood?
The story might be faded,
But we’ll try to recall.
(Start off, then!)
’Twas we recall a crow once,
Or was it just a doggy,
Or maybe even moo-cow,
Whom fortune one day found.
A package was delivered -
With quarter pound of fine cheese
Or was it twice the bigger?
Consider it a pound!
She took wing to a fir-tree
Unless she didn’t wing it.
Perhaps she took a running start
And mounted a palm.
To have herself fine breakfast,
Or was it lunch, or dinner?
Perhaps it was a supper
Where she would dine in peace.
(So what’s next?)
Just then a fox was dashing,
Or jogging was her failure?
An Emu full of hate there was,
Or was he kind at heart?…
Perhaps it was a janitor
Who paced along the countryside
And was in hunt for hazel twigs
To make a nice new broom?
Now listen, oh my crowie -
Or are you just a doggy -
Or maybe you’re a moo-cow, -
But still a work of art!
You’ve got some lovely feathers
A massive rack of antlers
Such slim and slender hoovies
And heart of the pure gold!
Should you provide some croaking,
Or we could hear your barking,
Or simply moo melodiously -
It's what the cows would do.
And then one great big saddle,
A carpet and a telly
You'd surely be awarded
Without too much ado!
Well then the silly crowie,
Or was it just a doggy
Or maybe even… a hippo!
Starts off the silly tune…
Which meant her beak got opened,
Or was it just a dog-snout,
Or maybe even muzzle,
In short, the cheese was dropped.
Right on the fox's noggin,
Or was it just the Emu’s,
Or maybe an old janitor’s,
Who on the head got bopped!
The moral for this fable
Or maybe not a fable
Not just a clever grown-up,
A toddler could decode:
No loitering, no frolicking,
No singing and no dancing
In a construction area
With a suspended load!


Everything is intertwined, a sea of webs, but
Pull the web, a clew will go after
This world is a spindle, zero coincidences
To be the web or a string, or a bowstring for a battle
Everything is intertwined in a single hank,
Web lump and not a callico handkerchief
The wind from the sky blows the tumble-weed
Everything is intertwined, but not predetermined
This is the world's picture of those,
Who counter yours, as a sect
'Cause everythings doesn't have a single architect
Everythings is intertwined, I'm destined to die here as a heretic.
Your world's picture is a grid,
A canvas, a textile napkin,
As if by work of a weaver or a sewer
But everything is intertwined, by itself, aslant, athwart
Everything is intertwined. There's a certificate in my hand,
That I hold the brain, but the heart goes free
My city gets tired to fix the power after despots
In a cut there's causal relationship
And there, everything is intertwined. Satyricon is everywhere
Inaction of law under assistance of icons
Kill yourself if not a cop or an official,
Our city won't be saved even by a miraculous salve
Though, everything is intertwined, time and Zeitnot,
Still life of death, official's bed, paper circulation,
But everyone is lonely in their body, a slaver and a Zealot
But, the city is a layered cake
You know, the world is, actually, simple: don't loan,
Don't bargain, guard the roof
Don't fuck the head1, don't say 'gop,'2
Protect psychos, strangers, heretics. 'Cause everything is intertwined
TV and terror, there are a brothel and casino with the church,
Cartels, an orphanage. It's darkness above the city hall,
Where an antipode to all this system, if from money for shit
Conglomerates make patent on an antidote
Here, not knowing whole categories of the ecosystem,
These blockheads divide everything, as a council of directors
But cabinets, favelas, hideout nests, a city council,
Political technologists, lenders, synod —
This is the world's picture of those,
Who counter yours, as a sect
'Cause everythings doesn't have a single architect
Everythings is intertwined, I'm destined to die here as a heretic.
Your world's picture is a grid,
A canvas, a textile napkin,
As if by work of a weaver or a sewer
But everything is intertwined, by itself, with hell knows what, athwart
Everything is intertwined. There's a certificate in my hand,
That I keep the nose, but the heart is in the run
I fiercely want spring, blindly on the edge, lucid dreams,
Flashbacks, dejavu, here even Devil would break his leg [complicated]
And even Astaroth all the same, jump-jump,
From isle to isle, tire fitting and pit stop,
And then, no stops seen,
Until our legs will be broken by an enemy bone-breaker
Here, so we live, and so we'll die,
We'll fertilize the mountain by ourselves, became its coal
In this unkind city as a slave or a rebel,
It's a nature cycle, worms will be eaten by an eagle,
A then, the worms the eagle. Everything is intertwined,
We'll embed halftones into their black and white movie,
Shades and colors, leviathan or behemoth,
Or mayor like a grey eminence, we have here a whole legion!
Everything is intertwined, Leo and Capricorn, with Virgo Taurus and Scorpio,
Saggitarius or Gemini's Acquarius.
Here's no esoterics, son, nobody goes with war on neighbors,
If the population has spermotoxicosis
Let, not understanding all my theories,
They mold conspirologists from us, saying our brains are dead,
But whose drug empire, you think, by city's arteries
Drives those containers with production waste,
Mined from ore under the mountain,
Sold over the hill3, while homes are in laboratories,
From its waste, by processing
They throw into the people the drug called 'Gor'
  • 1. Annoy
  • 2. Don't be glad of what you haven't yet achieved
  • 3. Abroad


Ako mislis da je moj dvorac
Napravljen od peska
Slobodno donesi plimu
A onda odjebi i umri
Ako mislis da je moje strpljenje
Veliko poput okeana
Ili duboko kao reka
Onda odjebi i umri
Odjebi i umri!
Odjebi i umri!
Odjebi i umri!
Odjebi i umri!
Odjebi i umri!!
Ako mislis da je moj bol
Dobro ocuvan
Onda slobodno mozes
Da odjebes i umres
Odjebi i umri!!!
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)


You demand that nobody interferes
With the way you choose to live
You yourself however always have an opinion about everything
And constantly poke your nose in all kinds of things
For you always think that you know best
And your curiosity makes you an unbearable person
This is my life, my time, oh-oh-oh
I can have a couch in plaid or dottet curtains
I dress myself the way I want to
Eat what I want
And party all night
I say: Oh, fuck it, no matter what I do, Pissenisse
Oh, fuck it, no matter what I believe
Fuck it, fuck it, fuck it, no matter what I do!
You've got a desire for gossip and moaning
About how little others know
If you invested same energy
In what to make of your own life
The world would be a better place
So give in, for I'm not you!
This is my life, my time...
Hey, hey, hey, consider what we know
Hey, hey, hey, consider what is possible
Hey, hey, hey, consider what we know
Hey, hey, hey, it's hardly true
Consider how great it is to always be right
And never wrong in any way
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, what our smart-arse
Really can

Navij Skhron

...Where skies are veiled by the grey haze -
Black Sun of the dead rise in that land
By Hecatomb Hymns of Reusmarkt
Of pestilent Hel chthonic darkness
Whisper of branches. Dragon's banner.
Putrescent taste of polluted blood.
Whisper of branches brought away to Nowhere.
Only ruins of castle towering upon mountain
And Cliffs are seen in the distant far...
Haunted Domain's serpent fangs.
Under Shield of Dragon, in starless sky
Chained in grimness, they soar up high -
Spells sang by the night wind
Heard from witches of Devil's Cliffs.


I've pottered about, I've fixed things, I've tarted myself up
And now I'm feeling quite sure of myself
And tonight I'll do everything I can to find the one
Who's my one and only prince charming
If some guy appears all of a sudden
And says: 'Hi there, girl, shall we dance a little
And go to my place together later?'
I'll answer: 'Little boy, you're not what I'm looking for'
Do you really think I'll take anything?
Do you really think I'll take anyone?
No, you're looking at a picky girl
You don't meet my expectations, sorry
Do you really think I'll take anything?
Do I look like I'd take anyone?
I guess you're both nice and friendly
But you're so going to leave alone tonight
Now I'm sitting in the pub and the music is rumbling away
I'm looking out thinking: 'Hello, where's my prince charming?'
Then suddenly I'm noticing someone, there he's sitting in a corner
So I'm kicking off, I'll start flirting like an eagle
But at the same time someone's appearing
Saying: 'Hi there, scorcher, shall we dance a little
And go to my place together later?'
But I'm answering: 'Go away, you're not what I'm looking for'
Do you really think I'll take anything?
Do you really think I'll take anyone?
No, you're looking at a picky girl
You don't meet my expectations, sorry
Do you really think I'll take anything?
Do I look like I'd take anyone?
I guess you're clever
But you're so going to leave alone tonight
But as I'm making a move, I'm not getting a reaction
From my prince charming, there I'm sitting, smiling, staring
I'm deciding to be extremely proactive
To get him to realise that I'm his one and only
As if I were on a catwalk I'm gliding over to him
And whispering lasciviously: 'Hi! Let's dance a little
And go to my place together later.'
But he's looking up answering: 'No, no, no'
Do you really think I'll take anything?
Do you really think I'll take anyone?
No, you're looking at a picky boy
You don't meet my expectations, sorry
Do you really think I'll take anything?
Do I look like I'd take anyone?
I guess you're clever
But you're so going to leave alone tonight
Now it's almost three o'clock and they're about to close
I'm sitting there alone, realising how desparate many people are
Yes, I'm really seeing many people who take the first best thing
But I'm not one of them, no, I'm still choosy
Then suddenly the same guy is coming back
Saying: 'Hi there, scorcher, shall we dance a little
And go to my place together later?'
So I shall say: 'Little boy, what kind of girl do you think I am?'
Do you really think I'll take anything?
Do you really think I'll take anyone?
No, you're looking at a picky boy
You don't meet my expectations, sorry
Do you really think I'll take anything?
Do I look like I'd take anyone?
I guess you're clever
But you're so going to leave alone tonight


Versions: #2
You can not always guessing her among earthly women,
But, if you will find her, you will look at her eyes endlessly.
Your soul will tremble because you don't even know
What and when can you expect from her.
Stars drown in her eyes.
And better, believe me, do not try to change her rules.The rules of her heart.
But if she will give you smile,
And suddenly she leaves and begins to wait you so mysteriously.
Know, that this is so serious,
Not for games.
She just a lone wolf
She can give her love only for one man.
She is like an impregnable queen,
You can not to tame her fraudulently
But when her ice will melts in your hands,
Then she will forget the pain of her loneliness,
She will forget the familiar role that she has played for so long.
She will rise again and believe in love.
In your strong love.
Stars drown in her eyes
And better, believe me, do not try to change her rules.The rules of her heart.
But if she gives you her smile,
And suddenly she leaves and begins to wait you so mysteriously.
Know, that this is so serious. Not for games.
She just a lone wolf
She can give her love only for one man,
Like an impregnable queen,
You can not to tame her fraudulently.
Who wanted to achieve her reciprocity
Tried to understand and find a thousand reasons why she say - no.
But she just a lone wolf
Looking for her only one man among men.
Just a lone wolf
Looking for her only one man among men.

With the speed of the world

In the morning birds start sparkling
Like your dew
From damned god's eyes
It's yellow summer.
At night animals are blareing
In a working burrow
And pine echo
Is limping along the hills.
Through the fires, through the woods - on an obedient carpet
At the sunrise, in reality, and with the speed of the world
It's the right time.
Grass is spiking from the heels of earth
Like from the bucket
And no one can satisfy
Its sweet sea
Round trees, tight elephants
Blue dust
The bless of aching shoes
A poor affair.
Through the glasses, through the years - on a shaggy carpet
In silver, in the wind, and with the speed of the world
It's the right time.
No one said it would be easy -
At the sunset of life
One resonant moon
One excessive wall
However, outside the window -
It's yellow summer
Sweet sea
It's the right time
It's the right time
It's the right time


The icy glaze has trampled my laughs,
The machine gun has chewed up my laughs.
The insects are hoarding shame,
The insects are hoarding jealousy.
The pity squeaked between the teeth,
The meat cried under the knife.
The insects are squirming,
The insects are slithering.
Shit doesn't sink in fire and in blood.
Honest and respectable people everywhere.
Everyone was born a cop!
Everyone was born a cop!
The padded jackets heed lessons in courage,
The borscht is smirking like a crapper wide open.
An insect can endure everything —
Self-control is self-control.
A beautiful, brave new world,
A beautiful, brave new plague!
Meandering through the weeds,
They froze to death,
Meandering through the weeds,
They froze to death,
They froze to death,
Both of God's servants — they're you and I.
Both of God's servants — they're you and I.
That's how it was.
That's how it was.
That's how it was.
That's how it was.
For ever and ever,
For ever and ever,
In the name of the puppy
And the crumpled piece of paper
I invoke!
I invoke
The dry little river,
The dead little birdie,
The great gaping flame,
The charred grimy rock,
To deliver us from
The efforts of evil,
From the eyes of meat,
From the speeches of stone,
The museums of plenty,
And the boozy remarks,
From the proletarian masses
And all other life!
The icy glaze has trampled my laughs,
The machine gun has chewed up my laughs.
Insects, insects...
Insects, insects...
World-class dope.
World-class dope.
World-class dope.
World-class dope.

Years go on

Years go on
and everything changes everything
the only thing that stays
the old memory
Years go on
and everything changes everything
only love
stays inside in the heart
Only love
always love
thought and mind rule
a million joys give us for free
and our life passes
Years go on
and everything changes everything
only love
stays inside in the heart

Know Who You Are (Austronesian Cover)

Malay: The tears that flow
I have crossed the horizon to find you
Malagasy: Recount the separation
And now you're here
Tagalog: Remember me!
In the waves of the sea and in the stars
Hawaiian: Your sister
Our ancestors followed
Samoan: I want to meet you again
Javanese: Like a thousand years ago
Ma'anyan: If you are far
Maori: Come back to me

Pokemon: Johto Chronicles

Everyone wants to become a master,
Everyone wants to win,
Everyone wants to be the quickest,
Everyone wants to reach the heights.
This is a new world for us,
There are lots of unknown things,
There are new pokemons waiting for you,
Try to catch them all.
Pokemon: Johto Chronicles
© Vladímir Sosnín


Verse 1'
I loved him all my life
And today he got another one
When you don't try it, they say you pass it
No sleep for me
I will never forgive you
How you left me, how you left me
Keep it, keep it for yourself
Do you think you found it?
I was born for you
I was born for you
Keep it, keep it for yourself
Do you think you found it?
I was born for you
I was born for you
Verse 2:
You will love me all your life
Keep lying yourself
When you sleep with her
you watch me
No sleep for me
I will never forgive you
How you left me, how you left me
Keep it, keep it for yourself
Do you think you found it?
I was born for you
I was born for you
Keep it, keep it for yourself
Do you think you found it?
I was born for you
I was born for you

Old Street

A few faded photographs
Gave me a little bit of nostalgia
The hot noodle soup that the old grandpa at the end of the alley sells
The taste diffuses through the old backyard
The wandering cat sleeps on the rocking swing
The sunset shines on its eyes
The postcard sent by the kid at the same table
Quietly rests inside the school desk
The spring days that are about to be over
The door still have the carvings on them
The two sides of the narrow and long aisle
The smoke coming from the old house
The drizzle that just finished from the rainy season
Dad and mom walked through the alley again
Can't remember what year and what day
A really long yet really short time
Now it is too late to return to
The scene that has long gone
The train ticket that is slowly becoming faded in your hand
Became a symbol of the memory
I don't know what not forgetting is like
I can't remember what it was like back then
The place I can't see or visit even if I wanted to
Perhaps the accent of the old street is part of my sadness
The smile at the corner of my mouth is becoming harder and harder
I don't know what not forgetting is like
Unable to put down the familiar fragments
Turned around and looked and it's been so many years
Looking through my fingers at the sky
I am back to the old street
Leaning by your side but slowly drifting away

Hodati Paklenim Poljima

Sa prebivalista demona
Krila pentagrama
Dolazi sok koji je naslikao
Moje srce i moju dusu
Oni su obrisani crnilom
Obrisan sam crnilom
Iz ove duse izlaze oci
Koje ce pogledati u deset tvojih
Prelepih glava sa odusevljenjem
Moje srce
Je ono sto ce cuvati tvoj plamen
I prisvojiti ga
Mi delimo ovaj duh
Moje srce je tvoje...
Ja sam tvoj ucenik
Stoga sam i svoj ucenik
Bicu tvoje oruzje
Uz demone koji me poseduju
Jahacemo sedam smrtnih grehova
Koji me odvode to katarze
Znak tvojih rogova
Je moja najdraza vizija
Oni nabijaju sve sto je sveto i slabasno
Gledas me kako se suocavam sa ogledalom
I vidis skravljenje
Svojom umetnoscu
Ja sam pesnica u licu boga
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

Bum bum go ahead go ahead

Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum Bum, go ahead, go ahead
Listen, my love
I don't know if you feel it
I get a heat
That is hot
Like a pepper that burns in your mouth
Like a bad ghetto
The way you touching me
Because only you know how to kiss my mouth
You will realize everything you cause
I want a kiss
Give me, give me
More of that
Well you know
Never stop
Never stop
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum Bum, go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum Bum, go ahead, go ahead
(I am Reykon, the leader)
I have your thing so come, come
Couple of tequilitas mommy come, come, come
If you talk about spicy
It is better that you endure
At the time Maite that gives you
She didn't say no and I noticed
With a look I removed all her clothes
She didn't put a problem when I groped her
And she liked what I did to her
She didn't say no and I noticed
With a look I removed all her clothes
She didn't put a problem when I groped her
And then bum bum go ahead, go ahead
Say what you want
I want a kiss
Give me, give me, more of that
Well you know
Never stop
Never stop
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum Bum, go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum Bum, go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum Bum, go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum Bum, go ahead, go ahead
I am Reykon, the leader, hey, hey
Don't forget it
With Maite Perroni
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum Bum, go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum go ahead, go ahead
Bum Bum, go ahead, go ahead

Be prepared

Scar: I know, all in all you're not so quick
Even a pig has more brain
You beasts, you need to be vigilant!
Now the best is approaching
You're all round the bend
You might possibly not even think
We're talking about king and succesion
One wrong move and I'll kill you!
Get ready for a new life
The chance I had long waited for
For this new age, let's hope for the best
Shenzi: And what do we have to do?
Scar: Listen to the teacher!
I know, it's bad
There's an incentive
I've always been quite into doing harm
They are all going to listen up, and how
Be prepared!
Hyenas: So good, he'll be the one in charge
And he will be adored by us

Scar: But you'll have to return me the favour
Listen up or you'll be in trouble
Sure thing, there'll be plenty to eat
But the best part, I'll claim it for me
I'd like to point up one thing
Talk back and you'll eat no more!
Get ready for a coup d'etat
Get ready, it's going to be tough
A meticulously designed plan, perfect from the start
I've been waiting for years, show me respect!
Hyenas: We'll be eating so well
Always well fed

Scar: I'll be a feared, hailed and renowned king
No one's better than me!
This power, it is my great ambition
Be prepared!
Hyenas: This power, it is his great ambition
Scar: Be prepared!