Резултати претраге страна 31
Број резултата: 1114
Weeping Woman
Sorrowful, Weeping Woman, as blue as the sky
Sorrowful, Weeping Woman, as blue as the sky
Not even my life is important if it's for the sake of you
If it's for the sake of you...
I look for your from the top of a tall pine tree
I look for your from the top of a tall pine tree
Even the pine tree shed tears when it sees the Weeping Woman
Even the pine tree shed tears when it sees the Weeping Woman
My heart is overflowing with sadness, I endure it all alone
My heart is overflowing with sadness, I endure it all alone
Yesterday I thought of you and cried, ah, I'm in tears today as well
Yesterday I thought of you and cried, ah, I'm in tears today as well
Sorrowful, Weeping Woman, Weeping Woman, as blue as the sky
Sorrowful, Weeping Woman, Weeping Woman, as blue as the sky
Not even my life is important if it's for the sake of you
Not even my life is important if it's for the sake of you
If it's for the sake of you... If it's for the sake of you...
- En: Prohibited the total, partial or modification reproduction of this translation without a written permission and/or consent of the author. All translations in this website are protected by .
With eyes sensitive to green
And imagine in the park
In the spring
With eyes sensitive to green
And chestnut leaves as umbrellas
And our hands sensitive to everything that is nice
We folded a dove of paper
In the wind it sailed far
And it landed on a statue that
Had to change all the words in its song
It was raining but the pictures turned out good
There was a peculiar light that day
We filled our eyes
With the light and the thoughts of everything new
And imagine in the park
In the spring
With eyes sensitive to green
And chestnut leaves as umbrellas
I loved you then, I do now
It was raining but the pictures turned out good
There was a peculiar light that day
We filled our eyes
With the light and the thoughts of everything new
And imagine in the park
In the spring
With eyes sensitive to green
And chestnut leaves as umbrellas
I loved you then, I do now
Oh, she loves - shoes
Oh, she worships - shoes
Oh, she uses - shoes
Yes, I look good in shoes!
Have a pair for each day
Blue and green suits just fine, too
All the colours I can think of
I want a lot more... shoes!
Gaining and losing weight, so desperate
Tried all formulae for weight control
I get a kick when I try on shoes
Because I can always get them in the same size!
Oh, she loves...
With chic shoes in gold, I walk
In a sandal... for toes
With a bunch of straps on top
It sends a shiver through my body!
Prada, Gucci, Armani
Karen Millen, Marc Jacobs
Donna Karan, Manolo Blahnik
Would I exchange my husband for [them]?
On and off, change shoes today
Because I'm... going to go into town
Get a skirt, plus a top
It has to fit my shoes!
Oh, she loves...
I am addicted... I might as well admit it
I can long so much...
Sometimes I just walk back and forth in front of the mirror...
Back and forth, back and forth, where I live...
Oh, she loves...
Bop di doo...
I want to get you back
Sitting here at home
Just the silence and I
I'm dwelling and contemplating
Every hour, every day
In my thoughts i see you within me
Yes, how she caresses and makes hot love with you
I feel dissapointed
Aggrieved and empty on the inside
To be simply replaced
By another person
How can you so easily
Just forget everything
And leave me alone
So insensitive and cold
I want to get you back with tears or love or threats
I just want us to love, like we did once
I want to make you furiously jealous
So you feel the way I do
Because without you here with me
It feels like I'm dying
Have told you that I have
Found a new man
And that I've forgotten you
But it's not true
But I want you to feel
The same emptiness as me
To be forgotten all of a sudden
Yes, so easily replacable
I want to get you back with tears or love or threats
I just want us to love, like we did once
I try all the time
Just to please you
Because all I want is
That I get you back
I feel meagre
Know that I've sunk deep
That I will do anything for
It to be the two of us again
But I don't want to realise
What happened to you
That you could so easily
Have stopped loving me
I want to get you back with tears or love or threats
I just want us to love, like we did once
Falling on my knees, I beg and ask you
Please, love like I do
Because without you here with me
It feels like I'm dying
And she says to me fly to me
She flew up to me, wall climbing to me
Airplane lights in the middle of the night
We won't worry another night at Ben Gurion
Here every night is a holiday
Straight to the shores of Thailand
Sun bathing so come and we'll take off now
Swaying like a leaf, the plane coming up
Daleh Daleh, Daleh Daleh
And again the place is packed, and your body is saying
Daleh Daleh, Daleh Daleh
Watch out, not a bird and not a plane
Vulture is a predator so I came here to run him over
And we didn't come here to be mad, we came to blast off tonight
And whoever isn't dancing, good for her
Come on, fly, run, and don't worry, I'll bring your friends from outside
She wants in so she doesn't need an excuse
Whoever knows Ron doesn't need to be stressed
Got it? Come on, come to the bar
And don't forget to order the most expensive drink
Tell him you're on the singer's tab, what, it's from DubiGal, with the excessive makeup
She said really?! I said of course!
I learned in school drinks are always blooming
I'm not bragging about all this like a peacock
They call me Ron Nesher, just the name of a pilot
And she says to me fly to me
And I feel the ascent, wall climbing to me
Stars lighting up the night
We won't sleep like another old story
I'm not the shy type
What a smile God gave her
Not falling asleep, she's like a smoke screen
Swaying like a leaf, the plane coming up
Daleh Daleh, Daleh Daleh
And again the place is packed, and your body is saying
Daleh Daleh, Daleh Daleh
So you're with me tonight on a world tour
No one is drunk she's going around everyone
Jaws drop as she goes by in front of them
She looks like some 10k likes on Instagram
Got it? Yea the girl takes a boy
The boy takes a girl maybe the boy takes a boy
I'm not complaining, we love everyone here
From Ramat Gan to Haifa, Dimona to Metula
No matter she's skinny or curvy, I don't care
Invite everyone here for a drink, how much will it cost me
How much will it cost me?! Come, sweetie
We won't get back days we weren't happy
And she says to me fly to me
She flew up to me, wall climbing to me
Airplane lights in the middle of the night
We won't worry, another night to Ben Gurion
We'll return with the close of the holiday
Straight from the shores of Thailand
Sun bathing so come and we'll take off now
Swaying like a leaf, the plane coming up
Daleh Daleh, Daleh Daleh
And again the place is packed, and your body is saying
Daleh Daleh, Daleh Daleh
Christmas night song
The world becomes silent tonight,
There is no clamor and noise.
Snow covers streets, houses,
The song calls for holiday.
Millions of souls are heated by one feeling
Some homeliness, peace
That's happiness
The candle also lights for you
Look at the sky's many stars
All of them has the light of hope
So hide it in your heart
Around the crib, where the little Jesus first cried up
We are all still standing there,
And waiting for that good news.
On Christmas night, our dreams
are clear like prayers
Let's tear away the chains of our pain
A better world will come
As we all desire peace
The protection of love
Nothing is lost
While someone thinks of you
The candle also lights for you
Look at the sky's many stars
All of them has the light of hope
So hide it in your heart
Around the crib, where the little Jesus first cried up
We are all still standing there,
And waiting for that good news.
All doubt passes away.
We're all waiting for salvation.
I have heard voices
I have heard voices
I have seen things
More beautiful
Than anything on this Earth
I passed the threshold
To infinity
The road was long
I was like driftwood in time
I have heard voices
I have gazed into the darkness
It persisted
Like nothing on this Earth
Only those who disguise their voice
Will finally be free and able to go
I have gazed into the darkness
I have gazed into the darkness
I have seen wounds
I have heard voices
I was unsettled
By the way the world looked
I crossed the threshold
To infinity
The road was long
I wanted to walk it
I have seen fire
And I have seen fire
I wanted to intervene
Everything is being rededicated
Into glory
I am ready now
Fear nothing at all
I will be free and I will go
To the next stage
Translations (c) by me, permission for use on lyricstranslate.com and private 'fair use' cases granted.
Thank God We Had One Another
It's just like it was a year ago
Almost the way it always has been
Thank God you're still as unabashed as ever
So it was worth it after all
You can see for yourself that nothing ever changes much around here
And still nothing is going on
Except for that one pub that's worth going to
And the club where they play independent music once a week
Thank God we had one another
Thank God we had one another
The music is as bad as it always was
The weissbier just got more expensive
That guy over there is now a DJ in Berlin
Quite a few people are moving there by the way
Thank God we had one another
Thank God we had one another
Thank God we had one another
Thank God we had one another
Translations (c) by me, permission for use on lyricstranslate.com and private 'fair use' cases granted.
We know I return soon
I took a bit of your look kept in mine,
I left you as memory our last night dream.
We gave each other a second of flight,
Before closing the door
Before closing the door...
We know I return soon,
But now the road is waiting for me,
Though I go to the north, the south
Or I cross the river...
Your love is there,
That always comes with me,
That always comes with me.
Don't be scared of the road
Dont' be scared of the distance
My heart is in your soul...
Because I'm always very close to your love,
Because I'm always very close to your love.
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Крвна браћа
И ако прошеташ вртом живота
Шта очекујеш да ћеш видети
Баш као огледало које одражава твој живот
А у реци одраз мене
Само на секунду видим одраз свог оца
И у покрету ми даје знак
И у моменту су сећања све што остају
И све се ране опет отварају
Ми смо крвна браћа, ми смо крвна браћа
Ми смо крвна браћа, ми смо крвна браћа
И док гледаш око себе у поражени свет
Шта видиш, да ли мислиш да смо научили
Не ако гледаш у ратом разрушен метеж
На улице где се бебе спаљују
Ми смо крвна браћа, ми смо крвна браћа
Ми смо крвна браћа, ми смо крвна браћа
Има времена када осетим да ме страх за свет
Има времена када ме је срамота свих нас
Када лебдиш над емоцијама које осећаш
И осврћеш се на добро и лоше
Да ли ћемо знати шта је одговор на живот?
Да ли ми можеш рећи шта је уствари живот?
Можда све ствари за које знаш да су ти драге
Коб судбине може одузети
Ми смо крвна браћа, ми смо крвна браћа
Ми смо крвна браћа, ми смо крвна браћа
Када помислиш да смо потраћили све наше шансе
И шансе да исправимо све на боље
Правећи исте старе грешке*
Чини губљење баланса лаким*
Када живимо наше животе на ивици
Помоли се над књигом мртвих
Ми смо крвна браћа, ми смо крвна браћа
Ми смо крвна браћа, ми смо крвна браћа
И ако прошеташ вртом живота...
2 ујутру
Дођем са посла у два ујутру и седнем са пивом
Укључим ноћни ТВ програм и питам се што сам овде
Бесмислено је и тривијално и оптерећује ме
И још једном се питам да ли је све ово што имам
Ево ме опет
Погледајте ме опет
Ево ме опет
Јако се трудим да видим
Шта још имам
Ево ме опет
Живот ми је тако патетичан, волео бих да све оставим иза себе
Ову столицу на расклапање, овај кревет, ове зидове што ми притискају ум
Држећи се за нешто боље
Што те само вуче ка поду
Да ли га само треба пустити или наставити и покушати да поднесем пад
Ево ме опет
Погледајте ме опет
Ево ме опет
Јако се трудим да видим
Шта још имам
Ево ме опет
I can't take it anymore
Already a month has passed since you called me last
And I've already waited for you for a good time
You were my man, I was your woman
I am sorry now that I have to tell you
But it's over between us (it's over)
And now I'm thinking, lying on my bed
About the first time you kissed me
And hugged me (hugged me)
I can't take it anymore, I'm thinking non-stop about you
It's too late now for you to go back, you know very well . . .
Hello, hello, hi, my love, I am here
I know that some time has passed since
I've given you any signs of life, since I last called you
I ask you to believe me that I've had a lot on my plate
I guess you're upset, I'll give you that much
I have a lot of problems, all gathered at once
I feel bad that I couldn't come to you
As bad as I feel that I made you have faith in me
Give me another chance, come on, let's take it from the start
Remember the good times that we had
When I woke up in the mornings and found you naked in the shower
And I wiped you with spare soft towels
I'm sorry that I made you suffer, I am this way
I am trying to change, but this won't happen soon
I need to open up, I love you to the sky
You are my princess, I am just a boy from the hood.
It's so hard for me right now
But I need to forget you and start my trip
Life goes on, with or without too many words
Tell me, tell me, tell me now if you want, if it's keeping you
If It's better for you now with your boys than by my side
I was your woman, you were my man
And through it all, thick and thin, I was always by your side
I can't take it anymore, I'm thinking non-stop about you
You know it very well, as well as I do
It's too late now for you to go back, you know very well . . .
You know it very well, as well as I do.
I can't change, I'm staying the same
You know that I love you, be my princess from the hood
I know that you love me, but I'm in second place
Go back, stay with your boys.
The Black Herons
The black herons · They cross the sky
The white winter · It comes down from the North
The yellow summer · It has hidden in the sea
The cold wind · It is running on the lawns
But you and me, my love · With our hands in our pockets
We walk on the road · With the summer still inside
With a dream of seaside · And warm bodies in the Sun
And of voices in the night · In the clear night
You who know the sea · Take me away with you
Where people wear · Only of its colors
You who know the sea · And the wind, its master
Fill that wing · And break those waves
The gray fog · It has filled the streets
Lamps lost · On the river bank
The yellow summer · It has remained in our eyes
The white rain · It pours over the silver streets
But you and me, my love · With our hands in our pockets
We walk on the road · With the summer still inside
With a dream of seaside · And warm bodies in the Sun
And of voices in the night · In the clear night
You who know the sea · Take me away with you
Where the night is clear · And the sky is closer
You know the sea · And the stars as a guide
Take that rudder · And show me the way
Green Leaves In The Snow
I have a little field
A field where i sow
But long is out winter
And late is our spring
Now it's the middle of summer
And I sow while the birch stands
With green leaves in the snow
Green leaves...
A grey wind howls in the fjord
And the northern wind reigns
And my neighbour, Tomas
Comes strolling and predicts
That never shall there be growing weather
When the birch woods stand
With green leaves in the snow
Green leaves, green leaves...
I guess I'm a Tomas myself
With what little I sow
With what little I possess
Of faith in good years
If only I was like the birch
Like the birch, where she stands
With green leaves in the snow
Green leaves, green leaves, green leaves...
Versions: #2
We made the night into day again.
Got my breakfast at 8 pm.
My thoughts move slow like molasses.
My head's heavy as lead.
My knees are trembling.
Slurred oaths in redblue light,
Equilibrium at 40%,
Gray matter in a soft explosion,
Visions of sunup and sundown.
What's the matter?
What happened?
I just massaged my nerves.
Alcohol is your paramedic in a time of need,
Alcohol is your parachute and lifeboat,
Alcohol is the tightrope you're standing on,
Alcohol, alcohol.
High society dreams of cocaine,
And the school loo smells of pot.
The pharmacist takes Valium and speed
And when it's getting dark they go for the bottle.
What's the matter?
What happened?
I just massaged my nerves.
Alcohol is your paramedic in a time of need,
Alcohol is your parachute and lifeboat,
Alcohol is the tightrope you're standing on,
Alcohol is the ship you go down with.
Alcohol is your paramedic in a time of need,
Alcohol is your parachute and lifeboat,
Alcohol drives the chaos in your head,
Alcohol, alcohol.
I reach towards the sky
Welcome aboard the train to life
Here there's place for everyone, so come along
Pack your bag, let go of your fear
Bring along your cockiness
The trip goes towards the rainbow at highest speed
I reach towards the sky
I can reach however high I want to
I reach towards the sky
And maybe a little farther
I want to cherish every moment I can
I travel with life in my arms
I reach towards the sky
I reach however high I want
Someone says: 'Conform yourself to the line'
Others tell you have you should be
If something goes wrong, many caw 'Well, I told you so!'
Ignore the people with pretentious morality
The finger is my answer!
I reach towards the sky
I can reach however high I want to
I reach towards the sky
And maybe a little farther
I want to cherish every moment I can
I travel with life in my arms
I reach towards the sky
I reach however high I want
I reach towards the sky
I can reach however high I want to
I reach towards the sky
And maybe a little farther
I want to cherish every moment I can
I travel with life in my arms
I reach towards the sky
I reach however high I want
I reach towards the sky
I can reach however high I want to
I reach towards the sky
And maybe a little farther
I want to cherish every moment I can
I travel with life in my arms
I reach towards the sky
I reach however high I want
And maybe a little farther
Queen Ellisiv
In the east, far to the north
In Novgorod, in the realm of the Rus
In Novgorod, in the realm of the Rus
Jaroslav was a great lord
Jaroslav was the great lord
In the stronghold Almanrik, he lives
Daughters he had five of
Ellisiv was one of them
Queen ellisiv was she
Jaroslav was her father
Her betrothed king Harald
From the realm of Norway
Ellisiv was beautiful
Bore the finest clothes in the realm
She was oldest of five siblings
Her father put her on display
Skillful and tall, brave on horseback
All were called to feast in the castle hall
Suitors made their bids
Many wanted her for a bride
To Novgorod, a journey from the south
Dignified men and horses with adornment
Harald of Norway in full armour
From Constantinople came chests of gold
Harald Hardråde became king
Took Ellisiv to Norway
Harald gave her a queens name
Lord Jaroslav approved of this
Novgorod, great in might
Meeting place of kingly splendour
Meeting place of kingly splendour
In medieval rejoicing and garments
Rejoicing and garments from near and far
Merchants gathered themselves there
Many wears from the east
Exchanged for silver from the north
Teaching angels to sail
I never guessed how big it could be
So indescribable, every time it passed
It was the most beauty my eyes ever saw
The most sublime* I ever seen
I learned all the rules of the art
To be a mother and gods safe embrace
To teach my children to sail over the seas
And to row the boat ashore
But even the best of boats can sink
And nothing will ever be like before
Even the best of mothers can do wrong
Give the wrong directions to her children sailing away
Yes, life became bigger than I had dared to hope
When I had given life to my three
It was the most beauty my eyes ever saw
The most sublime a pair of eyes can see
Now I fight to learn
To be god over my small angels
And if you want it I have been taught
There are chances that this will work
But even the best of boats can sink
And nothing will ever be like before
Even the best of mothers can do wrong
Give the wrong directions to her children sailing away
My darling now you are sailing
On the sea that is your life
Eventually you will be steering
I just want to give you the right way to go
You are what I love the most
So genuinely** warm and hot
To teach your children sail across the seas
Without hurting their wings is hard
Don't be afraid of me
I'm so afraid of you
I walk on glowing coal
Happiness comes, happiness goes
They say that time heals wounds
I turn of lamps
I open windows
Searching after patterns
I will never
I will never, will
Never come home
Escapesoda take my hand
Set me on fire, sometimes sometimes sometimes
Escapesoda bring me to shore
Set me on fire, sometimes sometimes sometimes
Don't be afraid of me
I'm so afraid of you
Stop asking me how I feel
Precisely as usual
But I try anyway, even with open wounds
I lick pearls
I eat people
Stars are shining down in a hole
I will never, I will never
Will never ever come home
[Chorus] x 2
(It takes me ashore, set me on fire, set me on fire)
(Set me on fire, take me ashore)
Escapesoda take my hand
Set me on fire
Escapesoda take my hand
Set me on fire
Escapesoda take my hand
Set me on fire
Escapesoda take my hand
Set me on fire
Sometimes, sometimes, sometimes
In the wide plains of the savannah
Sharp rocks and a punctured tire
Far from home and our destination
Sun fell from the sky
First glaringly bright and fiercely hot
then hidden and cold as ice
Both is hardly bearable
Hear the lament of misery
A sober spirit will do you well
For the night has a thousand eyes
Here a bristling, there a humming
The wailing just won't stop
Ever closer draws the noise
Sharp teeth and sharp fangs
Want to bury themselves in flesh
And feast on your blood
You love me
You love me too much
You won't let me go
You love me
You love me way too much
I won't let you go
Wild beasts need to eat
Yes, you almost forgot about that
First a snarling then a growling
And want turns into desire
Desire gives way to compulsion
Will you kiss fear goodbye
For compulsion has long since won
The hunt for your life has begun
The fat prey right in front of you
Hurry, separate it from the herd
Firmly close her tender throat
If you won't another one will
My heart, you're standing still
In my dead breast
Flesh is my religion
You're but a pittance for me
Cradle of mankind, walking upright
How oft' I wanted to be human, before succeeding in
You love me
You love me way too much
You won't let me go
You love me
You love me way too much
I love you even more
Translation Mine if no other Translation Source is given. Soon as a 'Source' field with a weblink appears below, it is not my translation, but taken from another website.
If you have corrections. i will consider them if they are made in a courteous way, including stanza and line, and what it is that needs to be replaced. If you only type one or two words into the comment box, without giving the location, I will simply ignore it.
Another option is you correct the entire song and paste it so I can in turn copypaste it, which is less work for me. You can also take my translation and make your own translation using mine as a basis.
If you start a fight over commas, apostrophes, grammar, syntax, lower and upper case, english dialects that you don't understand cause your english is just too poor, as it has now happened for the last couple weeks constantly. I promise you soon as you start monkeying around and bossing me around with your comments that I can't delete. I will delete the translation instead. and Keep it on my computer where it belongs.
Winter turns us silent and dumb
When will the weather finally turn
I'm faithful to the red dragon
I'm not shy about life at all
Vltava river flows on
Taking up every man
That falls bleeding into the water
With tears of joy
Vltava river flows along
By the riverside
A child is waving, she pays no attention
Remains forever unknown
Words, free like the wind
Children, that are children no longer
I can't live in the days gone by
Have to rescue tomorrow from today
Vltava river flows on
Taking up every man
That falls bleeding into the water
With tears of joy
Vltava river flows along
By the riverside
A child is waving, she pays no attention
Remains forever unknown
Come take my hand
My heart beating proudly within my chest
A dim light behind the mist
But me, you cannot see
The cold wind awaits
Planning a storm
Has the beginning not known
Of its end
Vltava river flows on
Taking up every man
That falls bleeding into the water
With tears of joy
Vltava river flows along
By the riverside
A child is waving his hand to greet you
And knows that it must perish
Translation Mine if no other Translation Source is given. Soon as a 'Source' field with a weblink appears below, it is not my translation, but taken from another website.
If you have corrections. i will consider them if they are made in a courteous way, including stanza and line, and what it is that needs to be replaced. If you only type one or two words into the comment box, without giving the location, I will simply ignore it.
Another option is you correct the entire song and paste it so I can in turn copypaste it, which is less work for me. You can also take my translation and make your own translation using mine as a basis.
If you start a fight over commas, apostrophes, grammar, syntax, lower and upper case, english dialects that you don't understand cause your english is just too poor, as it has now happened for the last couple weeks constantly. I promise you soon as you start monkeying around and bossing me around with your comments that I can't delete. I will delete the translation instead. and Keep it on my computer where it belongs.
Neutronski bombas
On dolazi sa Istoka
Zovu ga zver
Tog kralja terorskog ludila
Neutron Roni , ljudi
ce saputati njegovo ime
Opasna i luda
baklja u njegovoj ruci
siri pozar putem meseceve svetlosti
ooh, pirotehnicki carobnjak zle kobi
oh ne, ovamo stize Roni
Ah to bombasko ludilo
Ah dok bude umirao gorece u njegovim ocima
Fantom tako hladnokrvan
ponoc ce zavladati
i bice kisa Molotovljevog koktela
Bebe vriste
i kuca ce se podici u plamenu
kada sledeci Roni krece,
niko ne zna,
ali unutar njega
gde se Lucifer krije
Ooh, on je decak
sa bombama kod sebe
ooh ne ovamo stize Roni,
ah taj decak sa plamenom
ah njegov zivot je izgoreo iznutra,
oh ne,ne,ovamo stize Roni
ah to bombasko ludilo
ah dok bude umirao gorece u njegovim ocima
oh ne ovamo stize Roni
ah taj decak sa plamenom
ah njegov zivot je izgoreo iznutra
oh ne ne ovamo stize Roni
ah to bombasko ludilo
sve dok bude umirao gorece u njegovim ocima
Све се враћа, све се плаћа
Изгубила сам те, не могу да те добијем
И вечерас палим ватромете да би ме видео
Таласи ме воде дубље
Али, нема везе, желим ти све најбоље.
Све се враћа, све се плаћа
Бићу ти у сновима када ноћу будеш спавао
И говорићу ти уз кишу жалби
Ниједан крај не памти почетак
Све се враћа, све се плаћа
Негде некада, као ја ћеш жалити
И ако ти моја душа опрашта
У неком тренутку осудиће те живот.
Изгубила сам те у скривеном месту
Друга љубав те води у вечност
Поред мене је празна кошуља
Али, нема везе, желим ти рај
Све се враћа, све се плаћа
Бићу ти у сновима када ноћу будеш спавао
И говорићу ти уз кишу жалби
Ниједан крај не памти почетак
Све се враћа, све се плаћа
Негде некада, као ја ћеш жалити
И ако ти моја душа опрашта
У неком тренутку осудиће те живот.
Glory to the Psychonauts
Great trunks get overgrown with branches
Branches not to stay forever, (they) become twigs
Twigs get cut, and we take off like rockets
To the shining space inside (within)
So, glory to the Psychonauts
Glory to the Pioneers!
Hurrah to the Trailblazers
Of their (own) solitary spaces
Of their (own) unprecedented depths
New trees pierce the summer
New nests the birds build on them
New alchemy, new nature
The new land of ours
Thus, glory to the Psychonauts
Glory to the Pioneers!
Hurrah to the Trailblazers
Of their (own) boundless spaces
Of their (own) varicoloured depths
This is our chemical home
For the melancholic dwellers of Earth
A habitual malady of not coming back
A panic craving for recovering from here
Furious angels with hungry eyes
Storming their (own) skies
Therefore, glory to the Psychonauts
Glory to the Pioneers!
Hurrah to the Trailblazers
Of their (own) stray spaces
Of their (own) reckless depths
Of their (own) multi-starred spaces
Of their (own) varicoloured depths
This is our chemical home
For the melancholic dwellers of Earth
This is our chemical home
For the melancholic dwellers of Earth
Дај ми мало времена
У мојим очима суза
Не живи, нема ивицу
Али, у мени тече
Не желим да ти је покажем
И кад бих казаљке окренуо
Дошло би оно после
Дај ми мало времена
Само мало времена
Морам да заборавим
Да заборавим
Дај ми још времена
Знам, убијам те
Не желим да те изгубим
Нећу нестати
У твојим очима су сати
Покисле узбрдице
Нисам далеко
Временом се не отвараш
Желим те, не гуши ме
Али, грли ме
Дај ми мало времена
Само мало времена
Морам да заборавим
Да заборавим
Дај ми још времена
Знам, убијам те
Не желим да те изгубим
Нећу нестати
Digimon Frontier Arabic Opening Theme
The morning breeze called us
in our journey towards success
Let us work
so we can create the future
We cannot wait
There's no time for choices
And we are full of hope
to paint a better tomorrow
Together, together
in a journey
towards worlds of phantasy
Beneficial and thrilling
That brings out the beauty of our world
Our dreams start here
They swim towards the ending
Let's go to the Digimon heroes
Let us go towards our goals
Let us tell the tale
The tale of the heroes, the Digimon heroes
Let us go
Towards the heroes
Towards our goals
Towards the Digimon World
Let us go,
Oh heroes,
Let us go
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.
Нађи мало времена
Причала си ми о себи, да си подељена
Због подељених речи, ломиш се на комаде
Не знаш шта радиш, шта хоћеш, шта тражиш
Журиш и губиш све што много волиш
Нађи мало времена за мене
Погледај ко плаче због тебе
Спаљујеш оно што жели моје срце
Највеће тренутке
Нађи мало времена за мене
Погледај ко пати за тобом
Реци да ћеш ми доћи
Ништа друго не говори
Све делује страно у твом погледу
Повређује и мене твоја лаж
Не знаш шта радиш, шта хоћеш, шта тражиш
Журиш и губиш све што много волиш
Нађи мало времена за мене
Погледај ко плаче због тебе
Спаљујеш оно што жели моје срце
Највеће тренутке
Нађи мало времена за мене
Погледај ко пати за тобом
Реци да ћеш ми доћи
Ништа друго не говори
The mining villages
In the North were mining villages
Underground was coal
The sky was the horizon
Men were underground miners
Our windows overlooked similar windows
And rain wetted my schoolbag
But my father's eyes were so blue when he came back
That I could see the blue sky in them
I did my homework with one cheek resting on his arm
I think he was proud of me
He was bighearted as they are over there
And he made me what I am now
In the North were mining villages
Underground was coal
The sky was the horizon
Men were underground miners
Such was my childhood, it was a happy one
In the mist of washtubs
And my mountains were slag heaps
From their tops I watched the countryside
My father was a miner like his parents
My mother's hair was whiter
They belonged to the coal pit as you belong to a country
Thanks to them I know who I am
In the North were mining villages
Underground was coal
The sky was the horizon
Men were underground miners
On carnival day you could see in the townhall
A photograph of Jean Jaurès
And each glass of wine was like a pink diamond
On a background of dust disease
They talked about nineteen thirty six and firedamp
And accidents deep down the pit
They loved their job as you like a country
With them I have understood
In the North were mining villages
Underground was coal
The sky was the horizon
Men were underground miners
The sky was the horizon
Men were underground miners
Llorona („Uplakana žena”)
Jao meni, Llorona
Llorona u nebo plavoj boji
Jao meni, Llorona
Llorona u nebo plavoj boji
Čak i života to da me košta, Llorona
Neću prestati da te volim
Neću prestati da te volim
Popeh se na najviši bor, Llorona
Da vidim da li ću te ugledati
Popeh se na najviši bor, Llorona
Da vidim da li ću te ugledati
Kako je bor bio dirljiv, Llorona
Videvši me da plačem, plakao je
Kako je bor bio dirljiv, Llorona
Videvši me da plačem, plakao je
Tuga i što tuga nije, Llorona
Sve je tuga za mene
Tuga i što tuga nije, Llorona
Sve je tuga za mene
Juče plakah jer želeh da te vidim, Llorona
Sada plačem jer te videh
Juče plakah jer želeh da te vidim, Llorona
Sada plačem jer te videh
Jao meni, Llorona
Llorona u nebo plavoj boji
Jao meni, Llorona
Llorona u nebo plavoj boji
Čak i života to da me košta, Llorona
Neću prestati da te volim
Čak i života to da me košta, Llorona
Neću prestati da te volim
Neću prestati da te volim
Neću prestati da te volim
Jao, jao, jao!
Ako grešim
Šta ako grešim? Šta ako sam lagala?
Šta ako sam te dovukla ovde u sopstvenu mračnu noć?
I šta ako znam? Šta ako vidim
Da postoji procep koji se proteže pravo ispod mene?
Šta ako su oni u pravu? Šta ako mi grešimo?
Šta ako sam te namamila ovde pesmom sirene?
Ali ako grešim, ako imam pravo
Dozvoli mi da budem ovde s tobom večeras
Deset hiljada automobila, deset hiljada vozova
Postoji deset hiljada ulica za beg
Ali ako nisam izgubljena, nisam nađena
Ja nisam Dilanova žena, niti Koenov lovački pas
Ali ako grešim, ako imam pravo
Dozvoli mi da budem ovde s tobom večeras
I šta ako ne mogu? Šta ako mogu?
Šta ako sam samo običan čovek?
Ako postoji volja, postoji i način
Pobeći ću zasigurno, ja sam Dejvid Blejn
Ali ako grešim, ako imam pravo
Dozvoli mi da budem ovde s tobom
Ako grešim, ako imam pravo
Dozvoli mi da budem u tvom naručju večeras
I pogrešila sam, bila sam u pravu
Učinila sam obe ove stvari, obe u istoj noći
Zato, ako grešim, ako imam pravo
Dozvoli mi da budem ovde, s tobom, večeras.
Crown of Creation
Crown of creation
Will you come home for dinner?
This life is so short
I want way more of you
Let's say... take me to the dance
Get me stars, perhaps
I'm worth way more next to you
Crown of creation
Superstition of our ancestors
Rather take me to the dance
The years are flying by you
I barely fit into my suitcase
Bring colors into today
Don't shout when talking to me
For soft talk reaches me as well
I'll quietly get some rest
You don't need to take me to the dance
I wish you weren't this numb
You're lying here at noon, not a move
You, you, you... crown of creation
I'm dying once
I'm dying a hundred times
I'm denying it once
I'm denying it a hundred times
I'm dying once
I'm dying a hundred times
Dance is our life
The soul is pounding
It's pounding because of the dance
I'm dying once
I'm dying a hundred times
I'm denying it once
I'm denying it once
We won't even wake up
Crown of creation
Your dinner is inside the dog
This life is short
You're done forever now
The Rowboat
On an old soggy and rotten rowboat
That lays on the beach upside down
I saw a little boy playing
He rode on the ocean's waves
Where he stood astride in the front
Full of spirit, power and courage
His rowboat came to a battleship
And he was Captain Blood*
When I saw this, one thought went trough my brain
Yes, I wished that I could swap with him
To get to live a carefree reality
Where a common stone, not worth at least a coin
Can be converted to a priceless real diamond